It’s easier for humans to shame what they don’t understand, than invest even a few minutes of time trying to understand another’s perspective/issues. It’s why a vast majority of humans are perfectly content with shaming, and started acting as if it’s wholly acceptable to speak like a preteen saying, “You’re weird,” to those struggling.
James T Kirk taught me it’s okay to cheat, as long as you don’t get caught. 🤫
They do it to so many smaller forums too. I saw an old board I used to frequent for game faqs and questions turned into one, under the guise of being mostly transgender positive.
It’s crazy to watch one user create a wannabe cult, user shame everyone and constantly move goalposts with straw men bs. Meanwhile, they had moderators discussing in Discord chats who to drive insane next and pick on. Not to mention using a serious issue as means to divide people that frequent the site by having over 30+ accounts to pad the numbers that agree with their views in topics.
It’s scary how far they go these days, especially considering the site was relatively respected around Y2K era, and now it’s full of republicans pretending to be trans and liberal for a psychotic gimmick.
It only subtracts for those with less knowledge, to many of those people are content with being ignorant. And for the ignorant, there’s nothing they enjoy more than overcompensating and trying to drag others down to their level.
When you think about it, trickle down economics is essentially getting a golden shower from the rich.
Because spez enjoys having sex with a lasagna loving cat?
Humanity is one big human centipede. 🤮
Feeling the same, it’s surprising how many companies are just leaning towards screwing users for a few more pennies on the dollar. Eventually, Google with be the next AOL.
I just made an account to discover that we’re blocked. Wtf lol, this is my first post.
I mean he’s been found guilty of raping at least one woman… so he’s easily hit one already.