Presidential pardon in 3... 2... 1...
Such a shame he died so young. He was absolutely brilliant.
Except for one that says it is balancing out other propaganda, as if that made it any better...
I believe him. The lunatic torries of the last ten years allowed Labour to move even further to the right, and now you have a labour PM who is about to destroy health car and bring other libertarian goals to the table.
You people really need to go and build a third party, one that actually is everything the republicans accuse the democrats of being.
Finally, prepare thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer. This demonstrates your curiosity and engagement. For example, you could ask about the team dynamics, opportunities for professional growth, or how success is measured in the role. Avoid asking about salary or benefits too early; save those discussions for later stages.
So... waste my time to interview for a job with a salary that might be a joke? Riiiight. Pretend we're not doing this for the money. Riiiiiiiiight.
"Eierkuchen" (literal translation "egg cake") is another word.
Where "Pfannkuchen" means something different, "Eierplins" is used (mostly in eastern Germany).
And then there is "Palatschinken" which is similar to the Czech word "Palačinke".
Well, if Canada can take part in the Eurovision song contest, they might as well join the EU.
Yeah actually, that's genocide.
Oh my. If Canada were to join the European Union, as well, we would have to rename the currency to "Euro Dollars", or "Eddies" for short.
Explanation: it's an ancient SomethingAweful meme.