I'm pretty sure they got their numbers wrong. I have linked to a Stats Canada article in a different reply with what I think are correct numbers that are massively higher than their claim.
I saw your cost claim and found it really hard to believe. I mean I spend more than $200 a month raising two cats lol. I found this from Stats Canada from 2017 https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11f0019m/11f0019m2023007-eng.htm as far as I can see your numbers a way off. Looking at Table 2 for Predicted annual expenditures for one child in a one child family. It costs $14960 a year from 0-5 or $1246 a month which seems much more realistic. I wonder if you were assuming that total was from 0-5 rather than the total per year from 0-5. If you take the 0-17 total of $290,580 the monthly is $1424.
This comic is a good example of the Paradox of Tolerance. You can't tolerate intolerance.... it does not end well.
You don't need to keep the Royal Family to stay in the Commonwealth. Take a look at the current members of the commonwealth.
This was my exact thought!
I don't want to be that guy (immediately is that guy) but they are provinces not states. I'm hoping making this point will speed up my citizenship application lol
I mean the title literally says "forcing browsers" and unsurprisingly Mozilla post uses Firefox as an example.
Billions of zombies.... that then feast on the living. This could be the worst outcome.
I can see this isn't your first rodeo!
Yeah they messed up their logic. They seem to imply people are sexualizing the MILFs kid which is a bit weird.
Yeah I'm quite tempted to get on board with Proton as they could replace Tutanota, Bitwarden, Nord VPN and One Drive/Google Drive for me. Seems convenient and privacy focused but obviously all my eggs in one basket seems like something I might come to regret.
I think they misunderstood a Stats Canada paper to get a wildly unrealistic cost estimate. I linked it and some numbers in a reply further up.