Carbon capture, small nuclear reactors. We stopped thinking big. To really solve climate change we need to do one easy, but big thing. Blow up the Sun.
What a bastardization of that post, and Scott's general views on the subject
Can someone summarize how this is a big misinterpretation or mistake?
I'm not in any way MAGA or trumpy or a culture war person [sure you are. E: one sort by controversial later and they are indeed a culture war person not a full time one but still], but I'm a long time SSC reader and I thought the post/article was about the fascinating and complete sorta morhph/takeover of the civic "ethos" or civic religion of the elite bluebloods of the USA.
From veneration of founders and founding fathers (up through Abe Lincoln, etc) as the sorta civic glue and religion that we are brought up on, to now embracing LGBTQ+ (not much emphasis on boring normal "L" and "G" [dog barks]) through parades, flags, police cars, crosswalks, holidayds, add campaigns, corporate slogans and logos, etc.
Is this not how most readers understood the article?
Hope this makes some sscers reconsider being a fan of scotts writing. (And yes there was pushback in the replies)
Puts down Snow Crash.
Ah look the torment nexus.
Least controversial libertarian. (At least they picked slavery and not ... well you know).
Being on themotte (or equivalent places) is also so bad for your long term mental health.
The comments are quite a selection of typical things. 'harassing innocent IQ researchers' 'the sneerclubbers are all losers who hate crypto' etc etc. Hitting the familiar beats.
Look, I know what this subject is about, but hear me out here, what if we replace the AI doomer data scientists with A.... WHO AREYOU? WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOU... ARGH
Not a big sneer, but I was checking my spam box for badly filtered spam and saw a guy basically emailing me 'hey you made some contributions to open source, these are now worth money (in cryptocoins, so no real money), you should claim them, and if you are nice you could give me a finders fee. And eurgh im so tired of these people. (thankfully he provided enough personal info so I could block him on various social medias).
No shut downs of large AI training
At least the lack of Rationalist suicide bombers running at data centers and shouting 'Dust specks!' is encouraging.
Cstross was right! You tell everybody. Listen to me. You've gotta tell them! AGI is corporations! We've gotta stop them somehow!
That he called the blog post 'an incredible amount of research' is quite odd. Either it is a failed attempt at sucking up, or a sign Vlad has a very bad idea of what research is.
Not to be fair to yud, but so much fiction (written by men) sexualizes ~14 year old girls and it gets really weird when you start to notice it. This includes beloved science fiction like Snow Crash for example. Im starting to get why so many of us misinterpreted Lolita, and why a lot of women/girls are a bit annoyed with the sexism at times.