Because it's what they will buy, it's what I'll buy. And it suits their argument. Calling people out for not reading the article when they are quoting a price from the article is silly though.

That being said, I don't really buy the comparison between the optiflex and the pi. It's like saying you can buy a perfectly good Geo metro as opposed to building a kit bike.

Just eat them.

There is no trick that will make you think an apple is actually pie or make kale taste just like potato chips.

Try new stuff. Go to the Asian grocery store and buy random fruits and veggies you haven't seen before and try them. Worst case you hate them, but you seem to be there already, best case you love them.

I hope one day you get the help that you need.

Which is it? Your choices don't make life more difficult or they do and that's why they are good?

I can think of no punishment more severe.

That was aggressively awful.

I'm not young and I still will play a game because it's suggested to me. If everyone tells me a particular game/movie/book/restaurant is amazing, I'm going to try it.

Taking the advice of others and trying new things isn't a sign of inexperience.

Make sure the pan is hot and there is fat in the pan and don't move the toast until a crust has formed.

Stuff sticks more in a cold pan. As the pan heats the metal expands, any tiny pits in the pan get filled in with slightly expanded metal, any remaining spots are filled in with oil/butter. If you let the food sit longer it'll release easier. Honestly, if you are sticking try waiting 30s, normally that will help.

I let me officers commit acts of terrorism once in a while, as a treat!

Star wars fans hate TFA for reasons that elude me.

I'm with you, TFA was cool. I wanted to know more about the knights of Ren. Kylo was interesting, here is a villain who is struggling with using the dark side, but is trying to commit to it. That's something we don't see ever. Finn was a neat character, and another new perspective.

I think the Rey hatred is actually misogyny. People don't lose their minds that Luke is best fighter pilot in the rebellion, but Rey uses the force in the "wrong" way and she's an unredeemable Mary Sue. I'm not one to cry discrimination, but the amount of venom targeted at the character implies something deeper.

I too gave up after TLJ, it seemed designed to make me stop caring about star wars.

Reviews have gotten stupid.

Let's look at DISCO. Users put it at 37%. That's about as bad as "Cop Out," "Howard the duck", "the adventures of sharkboy and lavagirl" and something called "four kids and it."

I'm not a fan of DISCO, it takes itself too seriously, solves most problems with violence, has no chemistry between crew members and refuses to spend time developing most characters. That being said, it sure as heck is a lot better than "Howard the duck".

Let's look at a couple audience reviews to see where the hate is coming from (actual quotes from IMDB user reviews)- "Should have been called Star Woke" "Too busy being woke" "If a character is a straight white man they are evil"

Oh no. It's bigotry.

User reviews have become bombarded by conservatives pushing an agenda. An agenda that says that any representation is harmful and offensive. It's impossible to gain real insight on user experiences through online polls because of a loud minority crying about seeing a black/queer/Asian/trans/educated/disabled person.

It makes it hard to criticize shows due to the "anti-woke" offering you a robe when you say something bad about a show with a woman.

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