You know what they say about people who live in glass houses...
Not to indirectly defend designer dogs but I assure you selective dog breeding has always been pretty screwed up.
Not every dog is some kickass livestock guardian, they've been making screwed up ones since before the steam engine.
That's a surprisingly narrow definition.
So do you look at something like a Studebaker Commander Coupe and go "well obviously that's modern"?
Because I'm usually not in charge of it.
You sunk my battleship!
The divide at that point becomes a class one, where the quality varies intensely by how rich each individual town is.
The pain comes when a struggling town can barely fund its own schools and the assistance coming from the top down to keep the lights on gets cut.
The Saab Aerospace marketing team just looks on at this exchange in dismay.
This "use executive orders to bluff until people treat them like actual laws" strategy is starting to get really annoying.
The whole point is to remove the legal backing of the orders such that anyone who isn't already not complying out of a sense of morals but is enough of a mook to stop because "it's law" also stops complying.
The whole game is to bluff people into complying with any shit they want preemptively because there's no way in hell they'd get such policies through official channels.
Every so often I hold a microsd card and I think about how much storage is on that pinky-nailed sized $20 device. Compared to ancient hard drives it is one of the few things that makes me remember "oh shit I live in the future".
Call me jaded but I am not predisposed to take the NYPD at their word.
People seem to forget about the innocent until proven guilty part, the raw amount of perjury with the theater surrounding this person is mind-numbing. If he makes it out of this he will be come a billionaire out of defamation alone, almost all mainstream news sources treated his guilt as a foregone conclusion with barely an "allegedly" in sight.
Damn, it's fucked enough that even the neoliberal thinktanks are starting to get spook.