ich_iel (feddit.org)
[-] Schnabeltierplaisir@feddit.org 10 points 1 week ago

Wir sollten eine SA gründen und aufräumen!“ – Andreas Geithe, AfD

We should form an SA and clean up!’ - Andreas Geithe, AfD

Immerhin haben wir jetzt so viele Ausländer im Land, dass sich ein Holocaust mal wieder lohnen würde.“ – Chatprotokoll Marcel Grauf

After all, we now have so many foreigners in the country that a Holocaust would be worthwhile again.’ - Chat protocol Marcel Grauf

Ich würde niemanden verurteilen, der ein bewohntes Asylantenheim anzündet. Ich würde mir so sehr einen Bürgerkrieg von Millionen Toten - Frauen, Kindern, mir egal - wünschen, Hauptsache es geht los. Insbesondere würde ich laut lachen, wenn so etwas auf der Gegendemo passieren würde. Tote, Verkrüppelte, es wäre so schön. Ich will auf Leichen pissen und auf Gräbern tanzen. Sieg Heil!“ (Marcel Grauf, AfD) Marcel Grauf ist Mitarbeiter der AfD-Abgeordneten Christina Baum und dem AfD-Politiker Heiner Merz.

I wouldn't condemn anyone who sets fire to an inhabited asylum centre. I would so much like to see a civil war of millions of dead - women, children, I don't care - the main thing is that it starts. I would especially laugh out loud if something like that happened at the counter-demonstration. Dead people, crippled people, it would be so nice. I want to piss on corpses and dance on graves. Sieg Heil!’ (Marcel Grauf, AfD)

Marcel Grauf is an employee of AfD MP Christina Baum and AfD politician Heiner Merz.

Abschiebung der Antifa nach Buchenwald“ – Mirko Welsch, AfD Mirko Welsch war der Bundessprecher der Homosexuellen in der AfD

Deportation of the Antifa to Buchenwald’ - Mirko Welsch, AfD Mirko Welsch was the federal spokesperson for homosexuals in the AfD

Es ist richtig, Menschen mit schwarzer Hautfarbe auch weiterhin N**** zu nennen.“ –Thomas Seitz, AfD

It is right to continue calling people with black skin colour N****.’ -Thomas Seitz, AfD

Nothing to see here folks. Defenitly NOT an extremist political party. Move along now!!!

[-] Schnabeltierplaisir@feddit.org 94 points 1 week ago

Merz has shown that he will say one thing and then do the exact opposite. He is probably already greasing his bald head at this very moment.

Och, da wird der keine Bauchschmerzen haben - ist ja nicht mal sein Geld

[-] Schnabeltierplaisir@feddit.org 20 points 1 week ago

Dude, that "firewall" was set ablaze weeks ago by the CDU...

[-] Schnabeltierplaisir@feddit.org 16 points 2 weeks ago

Dürfte die Wochenshow gewesen sein. Grüße an die Geräte zuhause!

[-] Schnabeltierplaisir@feddit.org 3 points 3 weeks ago

I can still hear her in my mind....

[-] Schnabeltierplaisir@feddit.org 3 points 1 month ago

Ich erinnere mich da an irgendwas mit ner Puppe die stechend rote Augen und ne tiefe Stimme hatte. War wohl für das eigentliche Zielpublikum etwas zu viel.

[-] Schnabeltierplaisir@feddit.org 6 points 1 month ago

Have you heard his incoherent ramblings?! He already was too senile to lead in 2016. It's not like that prevented Americans from electing him the first time..

[-] Schnabeltierplaisir@feddit.org 5 points 1 month ago

They'll fall in line..

[-] Schnabeltierplaisir@feddit.org 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Germany was ruled by a coalition of three parties: The Social Democrats (SPD), the Greens (Die Grünen) and the Free Democrats (FDP wich are Neoliberals). Almost from Day 1 the FDP did their best to torpedo everything they could until our chancellor Olaf Scholz finally grew a spine and fired the Minister of finance and head of the FDP, Christian Lindner. This led to almost all other FDP-ministers resigning from their posts and thus the collapse of the coalition. Only the Minister of Transportation, Volker Wissing did not resign but left the FDP.

[-] Schnabeltierplaisir@feddit.org 9 points 4 months ago

Best of luck to you and your family to get out of there as quick and easy as possible.

[-] Schnabeltierplaisir@feddit.org 2 points 4 months ago

The US is beyond help - The disease is terminal

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