Was the city's name Omelas?
You can use the same logic to also argue that finding a parking spot will be easier. And if more people cycle there is more demand for separated bicycle lanes, which means drivers don't need to share the lane anymore with others.
Get off the computer, you filthy wasp.
"I think I'm autistic".
"After all the effort I took to beat you into pretending you're normal?"
Yugoslavia 2 isn't on my 2024 bingo card, but if they make the flag look cool...
I like all three :3
I wouldn't define it as safe and happy when it's full of toxic masculinity.
Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.
I was today years old when I discovered mongolian goth.
Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.
How many things will we let them ruin before we finally learn that corporations cannot be trusted?
Born too late to be a gay pirate.
Born too soon to be a gay space pirate.
Born just in time for the cyberpunk dystopia.