[-] Ropianos@feddit.de 18 points 5 months ago

Obviously it's a skill issue but don't you ever make mistakes? If Rust prevents some bugs and makes you more productive, what is not to like? It's a new language and takes time to learn but the benefits seem to outweigh the downsides now and certainly in the long run (compared to C at least).

Maybe Torvalds didn't give in to public opinion but made an informed choice?

The crates are a bit of a problem and I think Rust is a bit overhyped for high-level problems (it still requires manual memory management after all) but those are not principal roadblockers, especially in the kernel.

[-] Ropianos@feddit.de 22 points 6 months ago

There are quite a lot of AI-sceptics in this thread. If you compare the situation to 10 years ago, isn't it insane how far we've come since then?

Image generation, video generation, self-driving cars (Level 4 so the driver doesn't need to pay attention at all times), capable text comprehension and generation. Whether it is used for translation, help with writing reports or coding. And to top it all off, we have open source models that are at least in a similar ballpark as the closed ones and those models can be run on consumer hardware.

Obviously AI is not a solved problem yet and there are lots of shortcomings (especially with LLMs and logic where they completely fail for even simple problems) but the progress is astonishing.

[-] Ropianos@feddit.de 17 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It does sound a bit weird. On the other hand, if he can influence the choices positively, he does have a point. If not him, someone else would take the job. I would have drawn the line somewhere else but I can understand where he is coming from.

And the fact that he resigned means that he has and likely had some moral compass guiding him.

[-] Ropianos@feddit.de 26 points 1 year ago

The only thing I could find is an old-school keyboard by IBM. I guess that's it and OP just likes the hacker vibes of using that kind of keyboard?

[-] Ropianos@feddit.de 15 points 1 year ago

KDE ist eine Desktopumgebung für Linux die aus irgendeinem Grund alle Cs in Name durch Ks ersetzt. Konqueror, Kool Desktop Environment etc. Insofern sollte man vielleicht beim Übersetzen das umzukehren?

[-] Ropianos@feddit.de 59 points 1 year ago

Also du fragst nur nach den Zielen, nicht nach den Methoden oder? Die Ziele gehen mir nicht weit genug. Wenn man sich anschaut wie das Klima gerade verrückt spielt und wie der CO2 Ausstoß weltweit trotzdem noch jedes Jahr steigt dann kann eigentlich kein Ziel gut genug sein. Zumindest ist es aber mal ein Anfang und eigentlich finde ich dass die Diskussion darum und die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz für stärkere Maßnahmen das eigentliche Ziel ist.

Die Methoden sehe ich als etwas fragwürdiger an. Ist aber auch eine schwierige Situation und ich wüsste nicht direkt wie ichs besser machen würde.

[-] Ropianos@feddit.de 12 points 1 year ago

Steht ja nirgendswo dass er gerade angefangen haben. Nur dass er sich gerade schämt. Vielleicht ist das eine Art Dauerzustand?

[-] Ropianos@feddit.de 20 points 1 year ago

Also ich bin ein Fan von weniger aber dafür mehr diskutierten Einreichungen. Habe nicht genau darauf geachtet aber gefühlt wurde genau das erreicht? Insofern bin ich damit sehr zufrieden.

[-] Ropianos@feddit.de 11 points 1 year ago

Kannst du genauer erklären was du meinst? Vlt bin ich einfach schon auf deren Rhetorik reingefallen aber es macht mMn schon Sinn zwischen Einwanderern, die man nicht ablehnen (d.h. Asylanten), und Einwanderern, die man ablehnen kann, zu unterscheiden.

Einschränkungen bei Asylrecht sind ein ganz anderes Kaliber als Einschränkungen beim Immigrationsrecht und sollte insofern auch getrennt behandelt werden.

[-] Ropianos@feddit.de 17 points 1 year ago

But did the coup really fail? Prigozhin simply called it off after !another! country negotiated a solution. The coup in Turkey failed because of, seemingly, Erdogan being too powerful and the people loving him. In Russia it failed because of Lukashenko intervening and Prigozhin calling it off. Putin does not look strong currently.

[-] Ropianos@feddit.de 14 points 1 year ago

Well, isn't that sort of mentioned in the article?

If fediverse development slows down e.g. because adoption of inofficial Facebook extensions takes time it will harm the whole platform. Not by directly taking away users but by blocking progress.

I don't think the Fediverse is small enough for this to be a serious concern. Especially once multiple companies (Tumblr?) are invested in the fediverse I don't see this happening anymore.

[-] Ropianos@feddit.de 15 points 1 year ago

I absolutely think that the numbers are correct. If Reddit is a habit for you you will not break it immediately (unless you really dislike the changes). This is just time spent, not how much users enjoy it. And if they don't enjoy the content as much because the quality dropped they will start looking for alternatives. But for most that is a long term thing.

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