Hyperpop, but like, when it was mostly just trans women screaming into a mic in their bedroom.
I thought I was safe because none of the boys I dated even knew what 40k was, then I dated a girl and SHE taught me about 40k. You're NEVER safe.
GameCube is charming and Dreamcast is etherealy beautiful, but nothing beats pressing that Xbox power button and feeling like you just started up a nuclear powered machine from the future.
its grow enough that reddits shitty app annoy me a week ago and I haven't looked back
Be yourself, even if it means the people in your life currently will hate you. You'll find people who love the real you and you'll be much happier even if it ends up making your life harder.
(this doesn't apply if your real self is a dick, work on that)
I spent my 20s pretending to be the person the people in my life wanted me to be and it was miserable, I'm unapologetically myself in my 30s even if I'm still figuring out who that is. Its so much better and I wish I did it a decade ago.
Didn't ever watch his videos but ran into him at a local event where a game dev had invited 60 or so of us to play their game early. I remember him watching over my shoulder (there were only enough PCs for half of us to play at a time) as I went to play the game in my favorite way to play games: incorrectly. Flew a transport vtol and was using it to "boop" enemy vtol fighters half my size into the ground where they'd explode. We would both get a kick out of it every time I managed to pull it off. He was a fun guy to be around, I get why so many miss him.
is there a Lemmy community for people who actually like Starfield?
I can't program, but I only use Linux on both my laptop and desktop. All I really do on my computers is browse the web, light photo/video editing, print the occasional document, organize my photos, and play A LOT of video games. I was dual booting windows for a bit there for the games that won't work on Linux, but I soon discovered that those games weren't really worth dealing with the annoyances I had with windows for how often I actually wanted to play them... except CoD, but I have an Xbox so I just play that there. Deleting my windows partition was a great choice.
Mass Effect Andromeda, the middle of that game dragged, but the first third was pretty good and the last third was amazing, but most people didn't stick through the boring middle to get there. I really wish it got dlc and sequels, I wanted to see where that story went.
They can make them more than $70USD and I'll just keep waiting for a sale. I haven't bought one at $70 yet, I'm certainly not going to pay even more.
Michigander here, he should absolutely do it.