Thanks for taking the time to respond in detail! In the meantime since posting my comment, I have been looking for an open source alternative to Trello, and I think I will be settling with Logseq and using its Kanban plugin to create boards similar to those in Trello. I'll take your system as a template, it seems like it's simple enough to keep up with on a regular basis!! Thanks again :)
I've tried numerous times to use tools like these, and found having to set up everything for every day quite tedious. I'm not sure if that was the actual reason but I could never keep up with scheduling, or creating new routines that I set out for myself.
I like the idea of having recurring checklists for each day with regular activities on a Trello board to save time in making a plan. How specific do you get with the board and specific activities? Do you maybe have tips to stay consistent?
Thanks for your insight. I should have made clearer in my original comment that me saying that all lives matter does not equate to 'Neo-nazi's should walk free'. If the life of you or a person you care about is in immediate danger, then obviously that threat needs to be dealt with accordingly. We actually agree on pretty much everything.
I think for me the difference for now is in the recognition that while we as a civilization seem to be heading towards big trouble, most of us privileged enough to sit and type comments on an online discussion forum are not in actual immediate physical danger. It is therefore useless to me to think about crossing the line of taking lives, either for me or by me.
All I wish for is that when it is all said and done, we can all focus on improving lives, instead of ruining them. There is a lot of work that needs to be done before that though...
Thank you for saying this. It needs to be said over and over. It's the only way forward.
I'm glad to see that the strategy of compassion has worked for you in some cases. It's a nuanced topic, but I firmly believe that if we want to be progressive & inclusive we need to adopt a mindset of 'no man left behind'.
Again, it's nuanced and it takes a lot of effort. Perhaps I am oversimplifying things too much, on the other hand, I think that we will not be better off by casting out anyone.
Nowhere in my comment was Trump mentioned. I don't like him either. The concept of hurt people hurt people still applies though
Every life matters, and the reason we cannot make progress is because people who think they are 'good' are shunning and actively casting away people with less than desirable traits.
Nazis suck, racists suck, bigots suck, but they weren't born that way. Their lived experience led them to the place they are in. How do you get them out? Practice what you are preaching: compassion.
Edit: this comment here explains my point better than my own
Pretty cool haircut!