[-] MeepsTheBard 8 points 1 year ago

"shit, how do I tell her?"

[-] MeepsTheBard 9 points 1 year ago

There are no friends in Mario Kart, only those I have yet to betray.

[-] MeepsTheBard 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

This isn't a one-hour-summary topic, and you're not going to find "unbiased" reporting on it. Not trying to be a dick, it's just the facts. Anyone telling you they have the "unbiased truth" about it is lying or delusional.

With that said, start with some Wikipedia browsing from the end of WW2, where the Allies started looking around for places around the world as Jewish refuges, and the struggles/ decisions made to plop Israel in the Middle East.

From there, there's a bunch of back-and forth action between the new state of Israel and the people who were already living there (Palestinians), which has a lot of video summaries on YouTube. You'll hear "Nakba" (Catastrophe in Arabic) used a lot, if that's any indication of how it went.

All of that puts the Oct 7 attacks in more context, as well as the ongoing bombing in Gaza.

Good luck in your search. If people are being rude with you, it's because the tone of your post is basically "I actively tried not to look at this conflict that's been going on for 4 months that's killed 30,000 people, and now care because of a single guy (Aaron Bushnell) immolating himself." I'm VERY glad that his message got to you, as I agree that it's an important issue, but it also feels frustrating that it took this long (respectfully).

[-] MeepsTheBard 11 points 1 year ago

"look at all the benefits you get from being in a fascist state that doesn't have laws respecting rights to a fair trial and sufficient burden of proof!"

Like there's a reason we only see the taliban + authoritarian regimes do this, lmao.

[-] MeepsTheBard 8 points 1 year ago

Mental illness is illness. If someone had a physical disability that made even going to physical therapy difficult, we'd expect more resources to be directed to help them get there to improve their lives. Or at the very least, we'd have enough empathy to say "damn, that sucks, and it isn't your fault alone."

I genuinely hope you never have to experience a mental health that gives you a real perspective on how that deep depression feels. But I also hope you show basic empathy to people struggling. It's a boomer mindset that's trickled down to us.

[-] MeepsTheBard 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'd respectfully disagree. The X people Twitter communities are for people who grew up within the context of their race to talk about things that are relevant to that race.

A lot of blackpeopletwitter posts wouldn't "do well" (receive upvotes) if they are presented to a general (mixed race) audience, simply because the majority of people may not relate to it. Therefore, there is a demand for black voices to speak to black voices. This extends to all races--my wife is Mexican, so I'll hop into latinopeopletwitter on occasion.

So why stop whitepeopletwitter? Unless there's something exclusionary/ problematic/ Nazi-adjacent happening, it seems like a good way for stereotypical white peeps to make dumb jokes about meatloaf. Micro blog memes has a similar-ish vibe, but that's mostly because the site is mostly white lol.

"But there's no such thing as "white culture" in the same way that black culture in America developed from having their cultural identity taken away, and being forced to create new traditions to navigate slavery, civil rights, and modern America! They already have cultural traditions tied to their country of origin, like Germans or Irish celebrations!"

Yup! But the concept of "whiteness" is becoming a thing, and it's fun to make memes about. That's all.

[-] MeepsTheBard 9 points 1 year ago

Feel that. The hivemind on Lemmy can be brutal (coming from Reddit), since it's a smaller community.

[-] MeepsTheBard 9 points 1 year ago

I think they were commenting on how people seem to be zealots for Firefox on Lemmy, despite having some (reasonable) flaws. Despite this news, I'd bet a lot of them will continue. Not a pro-Chrome stance by any means.

(I had to block the Firefox and Linux subs day 1 because of how much anti-Chrome/ anti-Windows I saw).

[-] MeepsTheBard 13 points 1 year ago

That's what the [sic] is for. It's showing "here's what the person literally said, to make sure we're not misquoting them."

It's standard practice, as "stepping up and taking charge" would mean substituting someone else's words for your own, which is a slippery slope. "Oh he said X, but meant Y, so I'll write that instead" can very easily be abused by people actively looking to misrepresent other's words.

Source: BA Journalism, who had to use [sic] when quoting non-native English speakers (was part of an immigration story). Whenever possible, I'd try to clarify/ correct mid-interview: "oh, you said A, but I think you might've meant B. Is that correct?" That way, you know for a fact it's still their words.

[-] MeepsTheBard 12 points 1 year ago

The more time that passes between each repost is more time for the premise to be less "2005 dude-bros can't fathom being unmasculine for a second" and more "when did Troye Sivan write this?"

[-] MeepsTheBard 10 points 1 year ago

I'd argue that ignoring that any forced, unpaid labor under threat of violence is slavery is worse than "minimizing chattel slavery," full stop.

This is unintentionally drinking the corporate prison Kool Aid at best, and actively sanitizing our prison's cruel labor system at worst.

Accurately calling prison labor slavery isn't a knock on chattel slavery, it's an acknowledgement that it's changed. Say it's not as bad all you want, but it's still the same forces at work.

[-] MeepsTheBard 11 points 1 year ago

Just had to open a link in Teams and it ignored that Chrome was my default to launch Edge, then tried to set itself as the default for anything clicked in Teams.

I can easily see Microsoft doing something comparably shitty for people opening links in Word or PowerPoint. If not for Apple's even more egregious ecosystem practices (among other things) I'd be very tempted to switch.

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