I think mirror Burnham and Lorka tried to depose her way back in Disco S1, but maybe I am misremembering.

I’m hung up on how utterly ridiculous the succession was portrayed.

I like Star Trek and I’m trying to find the silver lining here, but I just come up empty handed.

Which episodes do you find the most timeless?

I have never seen so much monotone reading of dialogue. Renegade Soval carried every scene he was in, so at least there’s that.

Thanks for opening my eyes to something new 🍻

Ooh, is there a hot take here?

I havent heard much about it, sorry if I'm retreading a tired topic.

Ya you make good points, but when I think like that I begin to strongly dislike alot of it.

My personal beef was always how the federation looks the other way at all the vassals and clients of the Klingon Empire. Just ignore their hordes of space helots I guess.

Ironically it is only in Enterprise where I finally see someone disgusted by it, but they technically aren't the federation yet.

For those particular episodes you mentioned the cogenitor one was the one I really disliked. Some of the worst moralizing ever: think of the perils of unrestrained suffrage before you enlighten a slave!

First time I saw him outside Star Trek was in a Scarlett O'Hara TV miniseries.

Imagine my surprise when he's driving her around in a horse and buggy: an olde time transporter chief!

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