Ahh gotcha thanks for explaining, I’m sure I saw their posts in my feed then.
Fare thee well internet stranger 🍻
Ahh gotcha thanks for explaining, I’m sure I saw their posts in my feed then.
Fare thee well internet stranger 🍻
Sorry I’m still new here, I can’t decode this meme. One of the mods is no longer active?
an impromptu thread concerning beans
I will see my dream come alive at last 🎵
I will touch the beans 🎶
And after he beans back out:
Lord! It's a miracle! Man up and vanished like a fart in the wind!
“The house I grew up in was built by the Dublin Corporation,” Meaney says.
“How could we build houses then and can’t build them now?... It’s fking Thatcherism, Reaganism, the neoliberals and the trickle-down economy that Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael both bought into, [the idea] that the market will sort everything out. B***ocks.”
Our boy doesn’t hold back and I’m here for it!
DAX: I hope you're not holding back because I'm a woman. If it makes things any easier, think of me as a man. I've been one several times.
think of me as a man. I've been one several times.
We could do this all day, I just reached for this example because of my recent run Gowron of episodes 🖖
Another victory for the peoples court, hear hear
That, to me, is the real tragedy of Mass Effect, looking back through this new lens. BioWare seems to have borrowed many concepts from Revelation Space, but very little of it is explored with any depth, and none of the ideas are given new twists that improve upon them.
Damn, didn’t expect a thoughtful analysis of Revelation Space and its impact on Mass Effect.
But since Mass Effect avoided most of the extra weird stuff, the ending of Mass Effect 3 never really had a chance to be good.
Ahh, can’t talk about ME without addressing the ~~elephant in the room~~ the controversial ending.
Good read 👍
So ultimately, I feel like what we’re saying is that in order for Starfleet and that beautiful vision that Roddenberry had of this optimistic utopia, in order for that vision to exist, in order for the light to exist, you need people who operate in the shadows. And it’s a yin and yang. You can’t have one without the other.
I don’t like this sort of mother-goosery in my fully automated luxury gay space communism.
I prefer the assimilating power of root beer as the true defender of the federation.
After a dip I to that rabbit hole, perhaps I spoke too quickly...
His imdb page is suprisingly prolific https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0000538/ 151 roles since 1973 is a pretty damn good run.
As an ENT fan, excellent choices 👌