Do you hear the cry of the rope calling you to jump, calling you to glory like a Klingon?

Wow good guess, so it’s 3 songs then. Those 2 plus particle man.

As I stare at this meme, bewildered, I realize I am only a dilettante that knows 2 songs 🤣😆

I think mirror Burnham and Lorka tried to depose her way back in Disco S1, but maybe I am misremembering.

I’m hung up on how utterly ridiculous the succession was portrayed.

I like Star Trek and I’m trying to find the silver lining here, but I just come up empty handed.

Viva Mintaka III 💪🏴 I love that episode for having primitive superstitious Vulcanoid aliens instead of generic humanoids.

lol I’m dying 🤣😆, thank you

I have never seen so much monotone reading of dialogue. Renegade Soval carried every scene he was in, so at least there’s that.

Thanks for opening my eyes to something new 🍻

I'm just an elden ring pleb, so here goes:

  1. Bloodhound's Fang: Insane stat scaling, great bleed buildup, great moveset, and top-tier ash of war (I love free aiming the followup in pvp)
  2. Bloody Pike with Braggart's Roar paired with Redmane Greatshield with Barricade Shield: Super fun for coop on promised consort radahn.
  3. Antspur/Frozen Needle paired with Silver Mirror Shield: Swap between weapons to buildup rot and cold, light roll when you don't want to block because these items are almost weightless.
  4. Lordsworn's Longsword with Square Off, using both hands: maybe Square Off is just OP, but it is very fun to use.
  5. Bastard's Stars: Charged R2 winds up the ball-and-chain like a cartoon character winding up a punch. Hits like a truck, especially the Ash of War, and especially against golem-type enemies.

Hey thanks, it's all new to me. I know what I'm watching this weekend.

What's this, what's this? There's Trek alum everywhere!

Kolos, at the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor: psst it's me Martok, come round the back and I'll get you to Jadzia.

This is very cool.

Makes me think about how "ject" lives on in so many words.

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