What makes it your favorite? Do you want to play it? If so, what's keeping you from doing it?
For me, it's Burning Wheel.
I bought it purely based on aesthetics back in 2008ish, then got the supplements, then Gold, then Gold Revised, with the Codex, and the anthology...
I blame it for my weakness for chunky, digest-sized, hardcover RPGs. :P I also like the graphic design, I like the prose (even if it's divisive), and it has both interesting lessons you can plug into other games (like "let it ride," letting success or failure stand instead of making lots of little rolls) and arcane systems that pique my interest (like the Artha cycle, which makes roleplay, metacurrency, skill rolls, and advancement all intersect). I genuinely like reading it for its own sake.
I haven't played it because... well, since it's not D&D, that immediately makes it harder to get people interested, sadly. It's also a bit daunting, given its reputation as a crunchy system. But I have a group of players interested in trying new things, and fewer other games calling for my attention, so hopefully I'll get a chance soon. :)
Like you got at with the title, this kind of spamming can be fun, but is easy to bypass.
Diversifying the spam will help, but it could still get caught by a filter, and quickly discarded after a skim. If you REALLY want to do some damage, you could poison the data set. Make the tips sound plausible. The longer it takes to check up on it, the better. Maybe mix in some real and fake information, like a fictional teacher at a real school, or a class that doesn't actually exist.
Also, while AI is mostly being used by capitalists to make everything worse in yet another case of short-sighted rent-seeking, it's just a tool, and can have some good uses. In this case, it's ability to create a whole lot of complete garbage very quickly might be an asset, since you could generate a fuck ton of unique stories with slight variations.
In theory, of course. Sure would suck if, even after filtering out as much as they could, they ended up with a stack of submissions that all seem equally likely, but are 99% (or more) nonsense.