[-] LeninsOvaries@lemmy.cafe 1 points 1 day ago

You can block tiktok's domains at the router DNS level. At least then they can't watch it on the home wifi.

[-] LeninsOvaries@lemmy.cafe 1 points 1 day ago

We have taken parents rights away to allow children to make decisions on their gender and name changes, yet we expect parent to be responsible for their actions like accessing porn.

That's not a contradiction. Gender and name are about who the child is. Porn is about who the child wants to imagine having sex with. One of them, 99% of children are perfectly capable of making a good decision on. One of them can potentially be traumatising, and certainly isn't absolutely necessary for a good life and healthy development.

That said, it's not the government's job to control it. An "I am 18" button and a lesson in health class are enough.

If porn sites must be legislated, here's a better way: force them to display information to users on unrealistic depictions, the dangers of underage sex, and counselling resources.

[-] LeninsOvaries@lemmy.cafe 2 points 2 days ago

I'm not convinced these 10 Democrats exist. We let Trump get elected, the Democrats would be mad to be courting the right after that. No, I think this article is Rupert Murdoch propaganda. The Democrats have all embraced communism ever since we didn't vote for Kamala.

[-] LeninsOvaries@lemmy.cafe 2 points 2 days ago

Exactly! And that's why we let Trump get elected, and now the Democrats have taken genocide off the agenda and they're kicking Trump's ass

[-] LeninsOvaries@lemmy.cafe 6 points 2 days ago

Isn't The New Order the one where the nurse has sex with her former patient? That's not ethical...

[-] LeninsOvaries@lemmy.cafe 2 points 2 days ago

No no no, this headline is a lie. The Democrats weren't appealing to the left, so we leftists abstained, and now the Democrats know we mean business and they're on our side.

[-] LeninsOvaries@lemmy.cafe 3 points 2 days ago

Do trees poop?

[-] LeninsOvaries@lemmy.cafe 3 points 2 days ago

FOSS software, like Lemmy

[-] LeninsOvaries@lemmy.cafe 6 points 2 days ago

We abstained in the election to teach the democrats a lesson, and now they're gonna show Trump what for!

[-] LeninsOvaries@lemmy.cafe 4 points 2 days ago

You won't believe! Actor joins film.

[-] LeninsOvaries@lemmy.cafe 7 points 2 days ago

According to Red OSP, there aren't actually 9 norse realms. The Vikings just liked the number 9.

[-] LeninsOvaries@lemmy.cafe 3 points 2 days ago

You won't have to worry about Trump for long. We abstained in the election and let Trump win, and now the Democrats understand that genocide is wrong and they're working tirelessly to stop Trump. You're welcome.

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