It's extremely depressing, but in the scheme of violence against women in South Korea, the fact that misogyny was acknowledged at all in a legal context is legitimately a victory.
Billionaire white woman no less. Who's best friends with a Nazi, a homophobe, and a gaggle of upper middle class bigots who share her belief that society should adhere to anything they so desire including legally discriminating against anyone who is different from them.
I love how every acab post inevitably brings out a bunch of uninformed libs in the comments talking about how pigs are only bad in America (as though the term ACAB was invented in America...) or how a society without them is completely inconceivable. As though badges grow on trees, like police are just a natural thing that sprung out of the ground.
The primary function of the police is to protect private property and enforce eviction. They're state agents who are allowed to use violence against working class people, and do so to prevent us from overthrowing the ruling class and redistributing wealth and the means of production. They protect class hierarchy. They attack protestors. They use state violence against the disenfranchised and the marginalized. The "just doing their job" of the police is to protect and preserve the unequal distribution of power in society. They do so by using violence against the working class. The rest of anything else they do is a small fraction of their job and entirely secondary to their primary functions.
So we cant compete if we have ever had testosterone in our blood, even though cis women also have blood testosterone and can undergo testosterone related hormonal puberty if they have certain conditions, and also we are not allowed to transition before the age of 16 which would mean we had undergone some measure of testosterone hormonal puberty. Also, the concept of "male puberty" is awfully ill-defined isnt it. Have cis women with PCOS gone through "male puberty" ? What specifically constitutes "male puberty"? What hormonal levels are necessary to qualify for "male puberty"? Can Cis men with hormonal deficiency disorders compete in womens sports? To what end does this ruling "protect women's sports"? This does nothing in a sport that has 1 single trans female athlete except specifically ban her from competing under some misguided notion of "fairness". I'd love to see them describe how excluding anyone is meant to protect anything, let alone fairness. When will height categories be instituted? When will we make wingspan brackets? How exactly is this competition meant to be fair to begin with?
So this is just a de facto ban on trans women participating in any sports under this organization. Nice. Just say that then. No woman is going to accept being forced to compete in a men's category, so all you have done is single out and exclude one group of women based on their status as transgender. Creating an "open" bracket does nothing either, as there are probably only 1 or 2 trans athletes who would be competing in this organization anyway.
The accuracy he achieved and in that time period with the information available to him is frankly staggering. The degree of his error is slightly complicated by the stadion not being a historically exact figure, but his calculation showed the Earth to be 252,000 stadia in circumference. Accounting for the variability in the exact length of the stadia dependent on what definition was used in the calculation, that gives us in kilometers 39,060km on the lower end and 40,320km on the upper. The actual circumference of the Earth is 40,075km. This gives him an error range of between -2.4% and +0.8%.
He also didn't just use a stick but used extensive geographic charts to calculate the distance between the 2 cities where he measured the shadow. It was a monumental achievement and is shockingly accurate. I also believe this knowledge was lost to time and for quite a long time after we did not have any measurements even close to this accuracy.
Here is a picture visually demonstrating how he performed his calculation.
"You know what could really be good for transgender youth? Let's stop them from taking proven medical treatments that we have been giving to children with precocious puberty for the last 70 years! Lets make their lives worse and push them towards the very things they say make them feel depressed and suicidal!"
I hate the way the article says "children". No, not just any child but trans children. Are cis kids still able to get them for precocious puberty? Then what the fuck danger are they talking about? And look at them casually throwing out Maya fucking Forstater quotes as if shes just some random woman whos totally not a very vocal public face of transphobia 🙃 fuck the guardian.
but there are serious facts to back up Frey’s worry about the impact of remote work on Minneapolis’ downtown economy.
Yeah idk what I expected from Fortune
It's interesting that this is based on 2020 numbers. The last 3 years have seen a huge wave of hatred and escalating real world violence against queer people of all sorts. More anti-lgbt political actions have been taken in the last 3 years in America than I can remember at all before then. This wave coinciding with a rise in people identifying as LGBT makes me wonder if, unintentionally, this has been driving a boom in a wider understanding of LGBT people and education of LGBT rights.
I feel like more people are aware of who queer people are and what it means to be gay or bi or trans or ace than ever before. Awareness has spread nearly globally, and there is a growing public opinion, especially among young people, that queer identity should be celebrated. It's shocking to see the growth in such plain numbers because the hate campaigns against us obfuscate just how much public acceptance of queer people has grown over the last 5 years. This, in turn, has caused fascists to adopt the narrative that queer people are taking over society, justifying itself in part on how much more common queer acceptance has become.
It makes me feel a sort of cautious optimism. Like inevitably more and more otherwise neutral cishet people are seeing queerphobia and anti-LGBT rights movements as wrong. The association of anti-LGBT movements with MAGA and open fascism and fascists like Ron DeSantis may be to some extent making more people pro-LGBT rights. As there are more openly queer people, thusly more people know someone who is queer than ever before. I think that is also probably encouraging more people to openly be themselves and live openly as LGBT people. I think there is some cause for hope that the combination of these various factors may be early indicators of a drastic shift in Western public opinion. Whether or not that will pan out to genuine political change is impossible to tell. For the time being LGBT rights are still very much under attack, with little signs of the Republicans (and all other conservatives and fascists) changing their agenda.
That is exactly what he wants Twitter to be.
From what I can tell, a stupid thread made by a confused cis straight person who was talking about why he wouldn't have sex with a trans man. Then some transphobes showed up and were banned.
This instance is a safe space for sexual and gender minorities. If cis people want to talk about their sexual preferences with regards to trans people, there are a million and one other instances to do so in. This space is not the place to do so. It should go without saying that nothing that could even be perceived as mildly insensitive towards trans people should be tolerated here. This instance should be one place we can frequent without ever having to deal with any kind of cis and straight nonsense.
There is no other human life involved. Or did you forget to read the next thing I said, that it'd be like declaring a tumor a human life and forbidding people from removing them. A proto fetal clump isn't a person. It's not a baby. Its not a human. It's a clump. It has no thoughts, it has no feelings, it is not self aware, it is not an independent organism and is in all senses of the word a parasite. You can screw off if you think that a parasitic tumor has the same worth as a woman, that it has the same worth as a human being. And you're only proving my point by even trying to justify it.
I perverted not a single fucking thing. These laws result directly, not indirectly but literally directly, in the killing of women and girls. Its murder to deny someone life saving medical care. You're a sick misogynist if you defend any part of that. And the people who write these laws are not stupid, they're not unaware, the intention is to result directly in grievous bodily harm and inevitable death of women and girls. Its murder, they know what these laws do. They know these laws don't prevent abortion, and every single one of them will ship their daughter or their wife down to Mexico to get one if they have to. They won't hesitate. There is no moral reason for these laws. These laws relegate women to a subservient breeding class deprived of the most basic fundamental human rights.
You've already shown who you actually are so ill be perfectly honest I don't give a fuck what you have to say. I dont fraternize with misogynists, and defending the murder of women and girls unequivocally makes you a misogynist. Nothing you have to say after that has any validity whatsoever.
Life under Trump in 2024 will be orders of magnitude worse than life under him in 2016. It won't take long for Americans to begin to feel strong consequences of the election result.