[-] LadyAutumn 72 points 1 month ago

Conversion therapy is a crime against humanity. This is what the American evangelical right wants to do with us.

[-] LadyAutumn 70 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

One of the many reasons Tokyo does have those train carriages is because women are systematically discouraged from speaking up about being assaulted, even as it is happening. Even in a public place surrounded by other people. The offense was and, to an extent, still is often treated as a nuisance rather than a violent sexual crime. Empowering women who speak up about being assaulted and prosecuting sexual assault offenses is how you reduce assault rates. Make it easier for victims to speak up, and show that what happened to them will be taken seriously.

Creating women's only carriages isn't a solution but an affirmation that men are on some inherent level sexually abusive (therefore decreasing the seriousness with which assault is treated, and decreasing the likelihood women who speak up will receive support as "that's just how men are"). It also, you know, only does something about one very specific kind of sexual assault. It does nothing to address sexual harassment and assault committed in any other public or private space.

I can understand feeling safety in environments free from men when men are essentially given free reign to do whatever they want to with minute amounts of offenders ever facing any kind of punishment. I also feel that simply creating women only cars doesn't go far enough and actually in some ways enables alternative lines of justification for sexual assault if a woman isn't in a women's car. People can and will ask why she didn't take the women's car, as though it is the personal initiative of women to prevent themselves from being assaulted.

[-] LadyAutumn 74 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Don't date conservatives, don't sleep with them, don't befriend them, don't associate with them, being MAGA should result in your total ostracization. Unless you're in a situation where you have to, where cutting ties or ending the relationship/friendship will make you unsafe or put your livelihood or your home life at risk, you should cut them off. I cut ties with a lot of old friends who became conservatives. It's not a normal tolerable thing to be conservative. No one who believes the things they do should be tolerated. Their beliefs should, at the least, come at the cost of their relationships and friendships.

Conservatives do not respect human rights and human dignity. They do not believe that men and women are equal, that rich and poor are equal, or that black people and white people are equal. They'll make a facade of tolerant behavior that immediately crumbles under any scrutiny to show their bigotry. These bigots have governed every conceivable aspect of our lives for far too long.

[-] LadyAutumn 65 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Idk it's not the worst name ever. Definitely sounds like a "kooky millennial parents wanted an interesting name" name. But there's worse. Much worse. He should've told her where it came from though, kinda a dumb thing to not involve your wife in. You know. The name of her child.

[-] LadyAutumn 71 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Yeah. The details are in the article. Officer had his knee on the victims upper back for at least 30 seconds while the victim begged the officer to move as he couldn't breathe. At some point he stopped responding entirely while the officers were holding him. He needed immediate medial attention from the instant he stopped breathing. Instead of helping him officers told him "shut the fuck up you're fine". And only after he had stopped moving for 5 minutes did they check and realize he was dead.

The knee on the upper back position is illegal. The correct thing to do is to have 1 officer hold his shoulders steady and the other hand cuff him. If there's only 1 officer present (which there never should be), there are many other holds that are not life threatening. I think it's entirely fair and legitimate to say that they killed him. It's not libelous, or exaggeration, they killed him and did not seek medical attention when he very clearly stated he wasn't able to breathe. That's manslaughter and negligent homicide at least.

[-] LadyAutumn 64 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

It's very nitpicky of me, but towards the end of the article, they discussed various factors hypothetisized to "cause transgender identity," and I hate that framing. Being trans doesn't need a root cause to justify treating us with respect and affording us human rights and access to health care that improves our lives. Nothing made me a woman. It's just who I am.

[-] LadyAutumn 64 points 9 months ago

It feels like watching the Cuban missile crisis. A sinking uncomfortable feeling. I think the news has legitimately traumatized me. Breaking news means the next horrible thing has happened.

[-] LadyAutumn 68 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

A teenage non-binary child was brutally gang beaten and passed away suddenly the next day. Given the situation, including many severe head traumas, I doubt the toxicology report will show anything. If you've read the reports, it is downright grizzly what those girls did to them. Unbelievable violence and cruelty. The injuries inflicted were undoubtedly life threatening.

Even if, let's say, the toxicology reports show that they did take their life. What exactly does that change? The assaulters beat them within an inch of their life. How can you imagine someone could go on living after that happened to them? Is it any less murder because the victim literally lost the will to live after being brutalized by 3 of their peers? It's just disgusting that those girls aren't in holding cells right now. They tortured a kid to death. I had to stop reading the reports at several points. It's horrifying. Even considering the assaulters were all also minors, it doesn't in any way diminish the horrific nature of their actions.

This is the result of MAGA. There is blood on the hands of Chaya Raichik (libs of Tik Tok), of Matthew Walsh, of Candace Owens, of Kevin Stitt, of the entire movement of trans hatred. This is and always was their goal.

[-] LadyAutumn 67 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Web 2.0 desperately clinging to life. FOSS self hosted web is the future. Internet speeds are fast enough on home networks that self hosting is perfectly viable for essentially everything, and for the few things that can't be self hosted by just anyone, FOSS alternatives and work arounds to existing paid services exist.

Internet is becoming harder to monopolize, and increasing amounts of power and control are being handed back to the working class online. FOSS has become a movement that has grown exponentially over the last few years.

Their next recourse will be attempting to make jail time a thing for piracy. Both for hosting it and downloading it.

[-] LadyAutumn 69 points 1 year ago

What? You mean in America, the country ruled by Christians who impose Christianity on children in schools, where the majority religion is Christianity, where Christian organizations get preferential treatment by the government, where Christianity is the overwhelming majority religion of politicians, and where there is an active political movement to literally enforce state Christianity on the population, and where Christian moral doctrine is being widely used to restrict the bodily autonomy of women?? Ah yes so much Christian hate

Unironically shut the fuck up

[-] LadyAutumn 69 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It's a political comics thing that has its roots in England around ~~250~~ 300 years ago. The comic is meant simultaneously to be funny (and therefore disarming) and legitimate political propaganda. To ensure that the political propaganda message is not lost on the masses they label everything to make sure their message most clearly gets across.

For example, see this political cartoon from 1903. Panama_canal_cartoon_1903.jpg

[-] LadyAutumn 75 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

The very concept of a free loader best represents the ruling class of capitalists interests. The ruling class does not contribute in any way to society, and instead steal billions of dollars of labor value from the working class and use it in ways that benefit only themselves. Allowing people to survive even without providing a capital benefit to the ruling class wouldn't enable free loading, it would mean society actually does what its supposed to and looks out for the wellbeing of all people.

You shouldn't have to work to exist. You shouldn't have to be useful to anyone else to be a part of a community. Food and shelter are human rights. Water is a human right. Healthcare and education are human rights.

Toppling capitalism and wage slavery is the only way to a just world. Socialism doesn't inherently belong to the soviet union. And the soviet union did not categorically fail at every single thing they did. Don't mistake my words for endorsement of stalinism or of any of the many horrible things they did. But there were other aspects of their society and governance that were actually pretty great. Its not all black and all white. Life isn't that simple in reality. A flat condemnation of communism is rooted in propaganda more than it is in reality.

And I'm an anarchist, before you accuse me of being a tankie. I do not advocate state communism. But to say "fuck communism" and be done with it just shows your bias towards socialism.

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