[-] Diddlydee@feddit.uk 22 points 2 weeks ago

How big is a swarm? I reckon I could take on twenty or so 8 year olds.

[-] Diddlydee@feddit.uk 20 points 3 weeks ago

How do these morons not cotton on to the fact that not once has any of their nonsense ever worked?

[-] Diddlydee@feddit.uk 23 points 1 month ago

Nearly all Nolan stuff. His movies are cold and impersonal, and his characters are just dull (and he can't write a woman character that's not one dimensional). I can't remember the name of any of the characters bar the main ones. I feel like that's his main job and he can't do it. Everything else in the movie has a team of people (sound, lighting, design etc) but his area is always the let down.

That Bane movie was one of the most comically bad I've ever seen. Terrible acting, ridiculous plot points, dozens of plot holes.

I think Nolan is good at putting things together, but he lacks emotion and depth.

[-] Diddlydee@feddit.uk 21 points 1 month ago

He's also the French world champion, unless that story is a badly researched version of this one, or vice versa.

[-] Diddlydee@feddit.uk 21 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Lazy fuckers, is the answer. I caught one posting a slip a few weeks ago. I asked him why he didn't knock. He said he did, and I told him I was 6 feet from the door and he definitely didn't. He shrugged, left the parcel, and walked off.

[-] Diddlydee@feddit.uk 23 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

A family bible is a book to record births, deaths, marriages. My granny has ours and it goes back about 300 years. No idea why they think it would have any impact on their plan.

[-] Diddlydee@feddit.uk 22 points 4 months ago

She's such a horrific troglodyte

[-] Diddlydee@feddit.uk 20 points 4 months ago

Potatoes and tomato ketchup. Sorted.

[-] Diddlydee@feddit.uk 22 points 4 months ago

Fragile geriatric wretch

[-] Diddlydee@feddit.uk 20 points 5 months ago

Who says you stop playing video games in your 30s? I've never heard that and it's not true. If you like games, the number of years you've been alive won't change that. You also seem to be expecting some serious reduction in cognitive ability at an early age. Go and play Stray and Inside. I challenge you not to enjoy them.

[-] Diddlydee@feddit.uk 22 points 5 months ago

The greenery almost looks like it's printed on a sheet.

[-] Diddlydee@feddit.uk 20 points 6 months ago

Old enough to have had a Commodore 64 and Atari 2600.

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