Most board games are based on consensus.
Should it be probed?
Does this guy have a pro-Confederate ancestor?
- We should cut funding to Israel.
- We should not tariff Chinese EVs.
- Marijuana should be legalized.
- The war in Iraq was wrong (either of them).
- A woman has a right to bodily autonomy.
This is why golfers should be able to carry assault rifles at golf courses and Trump rallies: they too should have a fighting chance against assassins.
Falling Down (10/10) Movie CLIP - Fore! (1993) HD
Taking patent, trademark, and copyright laws to what they were in, say, 1790, might be a good start.
Regard today's billionaires with the same contempt that one does of criminals.
Wait at least 5 years before buying a new computer.
Don't pay by credit card.
"But your honor, I parked my car there because the sign said 'fine for parking.' "
from a forum I used to be on: (a bit nsfw)
According to the Supreme Court who ruled that presidents can do whatever they want and be immune if it’s technically official business, Biden can just blow up Mar-a-lago now and be done with it. No need to waste taxpayer money with elections and all that malarkey.
Thou shalt not kill—no more capital punishment.
wp:Human rights in the Maldives
The constitution declares Islam as the state religion of the Maldives and states that all Maldivian nationals are required to be Sunni Muslims.[13] It is illegal in the country to proselytize any religion other than Islam, and advocate for secularism or the separation of church and state. Apostasy and atheism are also outlawed and those who identify as or accused of being apostates or atheists are punishable by death by Maldivian law (though unenforced) and are often subject to vigilante violence or attacks with little or no consequences for perpetrators by the authorities.
Defamation and Speech "contrary to the tenets of Islam" is illegal.
As the state partially practices Sharia law in some matters, homosexuality is illegal. The punishment for men is nine months to one year imprisonment, or 10 to 30 lashes. The punishment for women is nine months to one year of house arrest.[3]
She added that, if GOP lawmakers are unwilling to respond to the reproductive health care needs of women, she hopes that voters will get a chance later this year. A push to enshrine the right to abortion in the state’s constitution is well on its way to qualifying for the November ballot.
She looks nice.