[-] ButtermilkBiscuit@lemm.ee 7 points 3 weeks ago

Same, gifted it to a bunch of friends and we had years of awesome jams. Then OW2 dropped and so did we. Shame, those were good times while they lasted.

[-] ButtermilkBiscuit@lemm.ee 8 points 1 month ago

Only one thing to do now.....

[-] ButtermilkBiscuit@lemm.ee 8 points 2 months ago

Same same. Watch the pbs news hour headlines and if they're about trump I turn it off immediately. As soon as topic switches to domestic politics I'm out. Same with Lemmy feed, adding musk, trump, RFK, and other words to my block list. It's not that I don't care - I do care deeply - but it's ruining my mental health. As long as the majority of voters in this country want it my reading about the constant fucking clown show will change nothing.

[-] ButtermilkBiscuit@lemm.ee 9 points 3 months ago

Why should they? /s They've faced no real consequences for the genocide so far why stop now?

[-] ButtermilkBiscuit@lemm.ee 5 points 3 months ago


[-] ButtermilkBiscuit@lemm.ee 6 points 4 months ago

"local and state agencies" namely law enforcement organizations. Your local retail shop is not using cellbrite shit in their stack. And while historically it is an Israeli company, it's now a wholly owned subsidiary of the Sun Corporation owned by the Japanese. I don't mention any of that to defend cellbrite gear, what they sell and who they sell it to is pretty fucked.

[-] ButtermilkBiscuit@lemm.ee 10 points 4 months ago

Not only Ukraine, Russia is also hurting badly for new recruits. The people on the front for Russia come mostly from impoverished rural areas and they're running out of cannon fodder from the farms. Ukraine is racking up the body count, sometimes thousands per day.

After putin's last "reelection" he refused to expand his mobilization as he doesn't want to dip into the urban centers around St. Pete and Moscow. Putin is a maniac but he understands his support lies with his oligarchs and is centered mostly in urban areas. If he starts pulling people from the street in Moscow and St. Petersburg his support will errode and his power will be compromised.

Putin is a coward. He doesn't want to get pushed out a window himself so he needs to keep his rich patrons relatively happy. Conscripting the urban elite doesn't align with his strategy, risks compromising his support, and could ultimately lead to his downfall.

That said even the urban elite are growing suspicious of the regime. Drone attacks in your capital will do that to you. Some of his mercenary units have also started showing signs of discontent. Puttie is walking a thin line and is in desperate need of new recruits as the recent news from DPRK highlights. Hopefully this thin line leads to his death, very soon.

[-] ButtermilkBiscuit@lemm.ee 6 points 5 months ago

Well Wyoming isn't real so checkmate on that.

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