Trees don't generate large profits this quarter, obviously.

If your anger is expressed as racism and sexism, that's a problem. Like idk go to the boxing gym and turn your anger into a workout, you don't have to turn your anger into hate.

[-] 22 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Why would you trust an oligarchy of politicians (the State) to decide which goods are useful “for a community” and which don’t?

Because we voted for them. We didn't vote for the board of directors of private companies. There's plenty of waste and corruption in private enterprise. It's not voluntary if they lie cheat and steal just like bad politicians.

[-] 12 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

The problem is when crooks privatize these things they steal billions of dollars worth of taxpayer money. Yes Argentina is messed up, but it's because of corruption. Privatization or socialization, both will fail because of corruption.

Like, private school or public school, they both fail if the principal is stealing money, this isn't a leftist/rightist issue.

[-] 21 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

You don't need to be an empathetic holistic person to get behind free housing for the homeIess. If you're a truly selfish and purely economically oriented person, then you have to admit giving the homless free homes is economically the best solution for all involved. Alternatives include the taxpayer eating the cost of all the damage they do seeking shelter and survival, or paying a ton of money to police to violently deal with them.

If you prefer those to giving them housing, you're choosing options that are more cruel and more costly -- I don't understand how that makes sense and yet plenty of people seem to choose that.

You can still get it, you have to go to the pharmacy in the back and give your ID though. Limited to like 5 packs a month which is more than plenty unless you're making meth with it

Pseudoephedrine definitely works though right?

any productivity gains benefit the business not the employee.

Yes, and that's a problem in the US. Other countries are much better about it, and we need to change to catch up to best practices for worker's rights!

[-] 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

but the simple fact of the matter is that most office-based employers don’t own any commercial real estate

That's not a fact. The reality is that all these rich assholes are friends with each other. The owner of the business is friends with the owner of the building and friends with the owner of the vendors and friends with the owner of the retailers. They all go on camping trips and to each other's kids weddings.

The owner of the business renting the office space might not literally own the building, but they're all friends.


We had a slow day at work we knew was going to be slow. I wfh most mornings and then commute in. Decided to just take my time got to the office an hour later than usual. My goddman coworker called our supervisor and let him know I wasn't in. For what? There was nothing for me to do all day, except a half hour of work later in thr afternoon I easily could have done at home.

But my coworker didn't like that. So he had to call my boss who was on PTO and let him know. (He left at 2PM because there was nothing to do though.) He's not even my supervisor but he still had to throw his weight around for no reason.

got his country embroiled in a massive conflict.

Russia already invaded ukraine and took control of crimea 5 years before Zelensky became president.

To view this invasion as totally separate and then blame Zelensky for getting invaded is kinda insane to me.

They just need to make student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy. High earners who can afford their student loans will be dismissed like any bankruptcy court applicant who makes enough money to pay their debts, and the people who are actually struggling will get relief at the penalty of 7 years very bad credit.
Bankruptcy works for every other kind of debt, it was written into the Constitution by the founding fathers, and it's the perfect system designed exactly for problems like the student loan crisis.

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