Let the darn woman rest in peace already! Y'all just hopin' to keep mooching off her pension.
About pineapple pizza? Yes. About Nazis? No.
How easy that would have been to avoid. Just write "only person," problem fixed.
If by FPS you mean Fahrenheit per second then yes. 👍
Woman's gotta get off those Disney movies.
The process is you pay what you owe. As per the covenant you voluntarily and explicitly entered upon. It's one thing to not understand that roads do not magically appear to facilitate your traveling ("not driving"), and that the privilege of using them is concomitant with obligations you have to fulfill. But trying to weasel out of paying your bills is a move made entirely in bad faith.
Judge: "We'll deal with it after the election" - wink, wink.
Die "Klimakleber" sind Terroristen, weil es ihnen nicht um GELD geht. Das System ist nicht in Frage zu stellen. /s
That's pretty much what Lincoln tried to do with his inaugural speech after several states had seceded already. He tried to talk them down and promised that the North would not interfere with their life heavy-handedly but that insurrection was too serious for him to ignore. And then they stormed Fort Sumter and forced his hand. He didn't even commit to the cause of abolishing slavery until the third year of the war.
Yes, "people" will remember how easy it is to get filthy rich when all you have to do is cast your morals aside and exploit the basic needs of human beings. This will be a glowing example for generations of "entrepreneurs".