Future living spaces will need to put each computer area on its own breaker 💀
Damn right!
Huh, the reply at the bottom is by a different user than in OP's pic
At the top level, MBAs see brand reputation as value to be cashed in on, nothing more and nothing less
Gee I wonder what rating this game has
3.5 Their lawyer successfully argues that, while the AI is the product, the company shouldn't be held accountable for their product ~~lying~~ hallucinating because it would set a bad precedent for the industry
They also don't have nipples (though do have mammary glands) and mother platypuses basically sweat milk through their skin for the pups to collect off their fur
The scaled down rectangle should be narrower; it's not scaled in this diagram, it's squished.
(Yes I know you can 'scale' objects on one axis but that's usually not how it's taught on an introductory level. Standard scaling assumes object similarity, which is not present in the diagram's 'scaled' rectangle.)
What a phenomenal country to allow this sort of thing to occur at all
A "privacy" company acquiring and centralizing various projects to be under its umbrella seems kind of worrisome to me even if it's done with pure intentions.
I mean, there is the argument that if they bioaccumulate in the blood, it's worth removing periodically even if it doesn't stop new intake
Well we had to use the 10k triangle toothbrush model, no two ways about it! (/s/)