I have. When it comes to Pokémon stories, I have never bothered to read much about canon characters. I've always been more curious about OCs. Probably because my canon is the games and, for the most part, the characters in the games are so one note that even if you are using them as the characters, they still come off as OCs with how they are fleshed out.
And I love it. So when I finally got around to writing a Pokémon story based on a nuzlocke run, it was filled with OCs.
It's a fandom thing though. There are plenty of people in Pokémon who are interested in OCs too or only interested in OCs, as I am. I don't notice a similar interest for me in other fandoms. With them, I'm much more interested in the canon characters. An added OC can steal my heart, but they usually have to start as a secondary or tertiary character. I find I'm less likely to be interested when the OC is the main character for most fandoms.
So if you are interested in Pokémon, look up nuzlocke-based fanfiction. There are some gems of OCs in those!