Bring back the IR blaster. No one apparently misses it but me.
The "bare minimum for a non-disposable, consumer friendly, half environmentally responsible phone" starter pack.
Also the custom ROM ability should not be merely a bonus. IMO it needs to be legally mandatory even above standardised charging connectors. It costs effectively nothing to implement because the base OS and general architecture supports it by default, the manufacturer simply needs to not disable it, and it is by far the most important thing for keeping a device from becoming unusable and possibly even a cybersecurity risk with age. Also just in principle, I paid for the hardware I should be able to put my own software on it.
Samsung did NOT like reading this
Remember when Samsung used to advertise repairibility, storage expansion, replaceable battery as selling points over the iPhone? iFixit used to have them as a gold example of a high end and repairible smartphone back in like 2014/2015, and they were the most popular CyanogenMod devices other than the OnePlus One for quite a while, and even then only because the OnePlus One came with it while Samsung phones were the most popular for users separately installing the ROM. Then they basically went and made the Android iPhone smh
I want my notification light back so badly!
I agree! And it flashed different colors for different notifications! Things were awesome!
Didn't even realize the led was something that had been removed. Mine has it on the upper edge, which is fine, although I'd prefer it on the front face so it can be 'muted' by flipping the phone over
Wait, aren't most phones OLED? Wouldn't it be trivial to light up a few pixels in the corner of the screen when it's off? Do phones not do this (I'm still running my S7 into the ground so I have a dedicated LED)?
It's not trivial. An LED only needs power to light up, an OLED Pixel always needs the GPU to be powered on and it would be a significant power loss to implement a pixel sadly
The full Always On Display (which shows the clock + some notifications) uses less than 1% battery per hour on my ancient S7, are new phones not any better than that?
I miss being able to hold my phone comfortably in one hand.
This stupid propping it up with you pink sucks ass and isn't natural.
I get that they're basically super computers in your hand, but fuck man
That's literally my first requirement for a phone, that it be small and actually fit inside my hand without any straining. It gets harder everytime I need a replacement - like, dudes, if I wanted aa small tablet, I'd buy a small tablet. I want a phone.
Yeah, same here. Except it didn't get "harder" but simply impossible. There is not a single compact android phone on the market. You could get the iPhone se or the iPhone 13 Mini, but the compact iPhones are discontinued as well, so you'd switch ecosystems for a single generation of devices just to then be stranded again.
I'd kill for a notification LED again...
I've been working on notifications the last few days and noticed I still had some legacy code there to set the notification LED orange. Broke my heart to remove it...
Aren't there phones which still have led? Though I guess you can't test it
Is there a phone that still has all these features?
If a phone hit all of these, and added 6 years of guaranteed (timely) OEM OS updates, I would pay upwards of $2,000+.
OEMs hit me up - I’ve got a credit card ready to go right now.
FairPhone 5 is doing 8 years of software updates with 5 versions of Android updates and 3 more years of security updates.
Not small and no headphone jack, unfortunately.
Turns out the galaxy S4 WAS the best phone ever created.
Oneplus one. Hands down. It was as good as S5 with exynos that was thrice the price, allowed custom roms (came with inbuilt cyanogen os) and the sandstone finish was amazing.
I miss the notification LED
I don't understand why that one has gone away. Like, the 3mm audio jack made waterproofing difficult and was big. But that doesn't apply to the notification LED, does it?
I really miss that feature because now I have no indicator of a notification, short of the major battery drain of setting the screen to always be on. I remember even customizing the colour so that I could tell when I had important notifications. Now I often have to double tap my phone just to check if I have any notifications. So dumb.
Even the water resistance thing is a lie
RIP power user geared phones
Everything Android is now tooled for the hyper casual iPhone leaning demographic since they are the majority.
Oh look, phones from circa 2017!
My Fairphone 3 ticks all these boxes lol
I wanted a FairPhone, but they have yet to sell officially in the US and I couldn't afford to deal with the potential difficulties involved with not having the right bands.
TIL: I am a cultist.
Same. Apparently demanding the bare minimum of user modifications, and tried and true technology, is being a cultist?
I'd apply that label to the iEcosystem users than us android bois.
I think “discontinued after one year” would be a fun punchline here, like the “perfect r/cars car” being a “brown, manual transmission, V8 wagon that’s used from the factory”
My Xperia phone has all of these except the removable battery. I think the EU is legislating removable batteries be brought back to phones so given another year or two I'd expect to start seeing them again.
Does apple phone not have a notification LED? I like it. I can tell whos messaging me from it. Blue is txt message (probably mum) purple is whatsapp, probably dank memes in the group chat, green is probaly my autistic cousin on instagram sending me cat pictures, white is signal, probably my dealer.
I had a different reaction to the notification led. I don't like my electronics glowing or blinking in the dark. I still liked my old android tablet, but it had to sleep face down because I could not turn the LED off.
FYI: I did not expect this to pick up so much traction. First few days on Lemmy seem to be a success!
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