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Android Memes
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I miss being able to hold my phone comfortably in one hand.
This stupid propping it up with you pink sucks ass and isn't natural.
I get that they're basically super computers in your hand, but fuck man
That's literally my first requirement for a phone, that it be small and actually fit inside my hand without any straining. It gets harder everytime I need a replacement - like, dudes, if I wanted aa small tablet, I'd buy a small tablet. I want a phone.
Yeah, same here. Except it didn't get "harder" but simply impossible. There is not a single compact android phone on the market. You could get the iPhone se or the iPhone 13 Mini, but the compact iPhones are discontinued as well, so you'd switch ecosystems for a single generation of devices just to then be stranded again.
There are some, I recently discovered this one:
That is wonderful. Got really excited until I remembered @Opafi said Android. Wish they would release it with a Linux OS.
I have no loyalty to Apple at this point, but I am certainly not leaving just to end up with Google instead.
That is surprisingly passable. I have been disillusioned with Apple for so long that I somehow missed a phone I would actually upgrade into intentionally.
I have been kicking myself every since I went to a 7 after I got caught in the rain with my original SE.
Personally I don't have tiny baby hands, so I dont need to worry about that... but it would definitely be nice if there were more options to choose from.
Yeah, but I've heard about your baby dick, so I'm fine with smaller hands...
EDIT: Sorry, it was intended as just a silly joke-response, no one's actually sensitive here!
Yowch, someone's a little sensitive... Trump, is that you?
Zenfone 10 proves that you can fit a lot of phone in a small place and none if its problems are from its size.
Try a pop socket. Wife got me one and it gets rid of this issue for me.
While you're correct, my own anecdotal evidence says that it's still uncomfortable as fuck, and I'd rather have a smaller phone. I miss my Nexus One from way back in the day.
Small/thin phones are out there. Check out the Sony Xperia 5, I'm using the 5 IV and it's a brilliant wee phone and fits in your hand really nicely. Also has a headphone jack and notification LED.
Pop sockets. I never do the pinky thing.