She wanted you, all you had to do was act. She thought you were disinterested because you shuffled away so quickly, so she just continued on to the D&D game she DMs down at the local leftist children's hospital.
Damn, do you rub salt into wounds professionally or are you just a really passionate hobbyist?
Too bad that's the orphanage my players decided to fireball…
There are politically aligned children’s hospitals? Yikes
There are politically aligned hospitals, but they're not leftist. They're usually named for some random saint and refuse certain kinds of healthcare to certain kinds of people for religious fundamentalist reasons. Leftist clinics (because they don't get enough funding to build hospitals) exist, but I guess you disapprove since healthcare has nothing to do with politics, right?
Side note: The first paramedics in the US were the Freedom House Ambulance Service, an all-black leftist organization that served local majority-black neighborhoods that received slow service from non-medically trained police. They set the standard for paramedics all over the US.
No? I just didn’t realize there were “political”hospitals, as opposed to regressive and prejudiced laws based around a few motherfucker’s religion being enforced by the state onto hospitals
I was just trying to make her that much more Lemmy-perfect. Forgot to mention her Star Trek-themed Linux distro and fursuit.
I’m in a wheelchair. And it feels so dehumanising. Because everyone makes an extra effort to never stare at me. I guess they learnt as kids you don’t stare at disabled people, but it feels like the lesson they internalised is you never look at disabled people. So no one ever looks at me except people I’m talking too. It makes me feel quite invisible.
Except kids. They always stare so mu h. It’s kinda weird.
I think the staring is a sign of curiosity. The problem is, our emotionally stunted parents did not teach us how to ask questions and show sympathy which could be a solution to that curiosity.
I remember parents scolding their children for asking “out of pocket” questions about people that embarrassed the parents, and this resulted in them just suppressing their children’s curiosity about other people and their unique life paths.
I never though about it but I zone off and end up staring at people more often then most I'm pretty sure but I was taught so repeatedly in childhood that staring at someone with any kind of disabilityis wrong so my eyes just kinda pass over them.
Fuck, that sucks. I'm going to go look at you guys as much as possible. ❤️
Who said, she can't be into goblins?
Let's be realistic. She didn't think about you at all.
Literally can’t relate. Every girl wants me aside from the ones who don’t. See ya later losers
I had a situation that started kinda like that but after she passed me she laughed out loudly, turned to one of her friends and laughingly said "oh man, that dude has the biggest zit I have ever seen!! Did you see that?? Did you see his face???"
Dodged a bullet. You don't want anyone with that kind of personality. Sure, other girls might think that internally, but for her to say it out loud to her friends, while you're within earshot...she ain't worth shit.
Dodged a bullet? More like saw a shitty person.
He could have not had the zit, hooked up with her, and found out later in a bad way that she’s a shitty person. Hence he dodged a bullet.
He could have not had the zit, hooked up with her
Knowing me... Nah.
Once as a kid I was hanging out with a buddy near the area where my neighborhood stopped and the next one started.
Pretty girl from the next neighborhood starts coming our way, of course me and the homie start shitting bricks. She gets to us, looks at me, and goes "oh, sorry, you looked hot from far away", and turned around and walked back 💀
Obviously it stung but it was just so hilariously, callously mean that I had to laugh even in the moment lol
I make it a point to never make eye contact or look in the general direction of people walking the other way near me. But I also feel like if someone was actually into me I would completely miss that, but the chances of anyone being into me are so low anyway.
Yeah you can't be sure. They might just be Canadian and are being nice.
No, but I have other things to think about like how soon it’s going to be before the dictator ruining the country I live in is going to actually abolish the constitution and debit his brand of fascism to the world. A stranger’s opinion of my physical appearance ranks somewhere down around “tepid hotdog water dumped down the drain” on my list of concerns.
absolutely not me_irl
I feel attacked. Just for this, I'm not stepping out of my cave today!
Sadly, yes
Yeah :/
No but this reminds me of the lyrics to "Sweetie Come Brush Me" by John Holt.
All posts need to have the same title: me_irl it is allowed to use an emoji instead of the underscore _