Yeah, don't fuck around with electricity. That shit is dangerous. Even those "muscle simulator" things that are marketed as massage options. Don't send any electricity throughout your body unintentionally. Everything in our body operates based on small amounts of electricity. Mess it up slightly and it might not operate again. Mess it up a lot like this, and you likely induce internal electric burns. Not fun.
These comparisons with electrostimulation are dumb. Men have (on average) much more muscle mass, including abdominal muscles. To calibrate this pain on women and then send the same intensity to men whose muscles then contract much harder and thus cause more pain is misleading and doesn't serve a purpose anymore.
It's not just this. The amount of childbirth pain differes greatly among women and so does the effect of hormones (that can make it better) and stress (that can make it worse), so there's no way to really calibrate it and offer a universal experience.
Done at a hospital. I would have assumed the hospital would not allow dangerous equipment to be operated by novices.
And I would be wrong.
Chinese hospital.
Do these ladies not have epidurals or other pain killers available during labor? That doesn't take care of all of the pain, but in most cases the choice to go without would be a choice, and how the hell would you calibrate something like this to account for that pain reduction?
This whole thing is insane, I'm just shocked at the degree. Like there's no way this makes sense even if you try to give it benefit of the doubt.
While I agree that this is awful and should not have been done, I just wanted to clarify a point about epidurals. It isn't always a choice. There's a window of time when you can take them, and sometimes that option is just not available (for a variety of health and timing reasons).
But yeah, don't inflict pain on people for no reason. That's barbaric. These hospitals should not have these devices available for what seems like recreational (?) use.
Several hospitals in China have been offering childbirth pain simulation experience for over a decade.
Yeah, that's the craziest part of this story. Why would any hospital do that? It seems wildly irresponsible.
Many men have some experience with internal organ cramps (gullbladder, kidneys...) The pain comes in waves just like during childbirth contractions and is quite similar (source: several women with experiences of both). It's so much easier to just say - remember when you had that half-day long cramp episode last year? That's similar to how it feels.
She's an asshole for insisting (who wants their partner to be in pain?), but I don't understand why she's being sued instead of the hospital. Wouldn't they be responsible for the injury?
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