Should've invested in beanie babies like the rest of the smart people.
Nah man, pogs are where it's at. Pogs!
Everything’s coming up Milhouse!
Back in the mid-90s I had a friend who inherited $40,000 from her grandmother and spent all of it on $75 Fossil watches, the kind that were based on old cartoons like Popeye etc. And it took her a while to do it since she would drive to malls within a few hours of her and clean out the department stores that carried them. That's over 500 watches, a few at a time.
She was adamant that this was an excellent investment, but these are on eBay now for $50 to $60. At parties she would pull out the collection and start showing them to people (no touchy, of course) as if there was something intrinsically interesting about a cartoon Fossil watch. The sad thing is, with $40,000 in hand she probably could have bought two or three times as many from a wholesaler and maybe eventually actually have made some money.
At least with beanie babies there was a physical object.
The fact that they still sell for 50k is insane. It's a shitty picture with a convoluted proof of ownership. The fuck.
A lot of those transactions is just to up the price so dumb asses think they are worth it. The other half is just dumb asses ofc.
I hope the defendant loses, but the damages shouldn’t be awarded to the fools who bought the NFTs. That money should go to literally anyone else, because they’ve already proved they can’t be trusted with money. Fuck both sides of this dispute.
I wish I had the temerity to sue people when an ‘investment’ doesn’t go my way.
I’m sure they’d have sued Sotheby’s if they made lots of profit right?
There was the bit about Sotheby's misrepresenting FTX as a buyer, but that doesn't make me any more sympathetic to their situation. Which, now that I've typed that, is extremely cynical when I like to think of myself as empathetic. I'm gonna try to change my take here. I like @db2's take that the money should be invested in public education.
I don’t think it would have mattered had they known. FTX was still in their good graces at the time, and FTX didn’t actually scam anyone (in this particular transaction lmao).
That's an average price of over $241,000, but Bored Ape NFTs now sell for a floor price of about $50,000 worth of ether cryptocrurrency, according to CoinGecko data accessed today.
Wait till they realize the actual value is $0.
The 50k value is itself propped up by fake transactions anyways. Since these sales are public, they can just push some around between two paid off clients to give the impression this is their worth.
Wait...the article says they're still worth $50k each.
You're vastly overestimating the reasoning ability of prospective NFT buyers.
They couldn't accurately identify a picture. Instead of concluding "I can just copy and paste this", they overrode their common sense to convince themselves that a digital picture of a monkey was unique. Unerringly, truly, exceptionally unique. A digital monkey picture.
It's pretty great. NFT dimbulbs are the flat earthers of crypto.
NFTs remind me a lot of the international star registry.
You're paying someone a lot for them to record some unofficial bragging rights in some unofficial database that literally no normal person cares about.
Wait...but the star is named after ME. It's mine, right?
Collective delusion of people who still think they're holding onto something worth anything
Lol. Ok so I’m NOT the dumb one for questioning why these fucking monkey pictures were so expensive. I had about a day of fomo when I was looking into nfts and then I paused, thought about it logically and said to myself “these are worthless and a scam.” I dinked around with crypto (couple hundred bucks total) and came to the conclusion it’s all bullshit. Very few are making actual $ after the initial btc craziness. Just the ones at the top of these pyramid schemes are winning. Everyone else is stupid idiots. Including myself for wasting a couple hundred bucks.
NFTs are not a terrible idea it's just another way of adding a signature to something. If a famous artist made a beautiful work of art and made an NFT of it and said "this is the only one I am selling" then I can understand how it might hold some value to collectors because it's just like how their signature adds to the value of their artwork.
My dog just took a shit outside and if I put my signature on it the value would still be that of a pile of dog shit. Dumb pictures of apes generated for the sole purpose of making more pictures of apes to sell that hold no value to begin with don't magically become more valuable after they have a signature on them.
An NFT is a way of pretending something is unique when it's not at all unique.
If you want unique art, buy a physical piece and put it on your wall.
Pretending you own a JPEG image just because there's a token somewhere in the blockchain is idiotic, and a complete waste of the electricity used to maintain it. Anyone can save that same JPEG to their hard drive the second it's displayed anywhere. Masturbatory technobabble nonsense with no real-world significance.
No, NFTs are absolutely a stupid idea. Putting a few bytes of data on the block chain does not add any value whatsoever to whatever art is involved, nor does it prove any sort of ownership or legitimacy.
Whether the artist only sells one copy of their art or not, making an NFT is about the worst possible way to facilitate single ownership. This is because there's no practical way to store the entire artwork on the block chain. The images associated with NFTs "live on the block chain" in the same way that the a website "lives in" the URL that points to it - not at all.
A foolish monkey and his bananas are soon parted.
When the price of all that worthless shit was going up these bozos smugly told anyone who told them it was worthless to ‘have fun staying poor’. They made their bed. They need to eat their loses.
Duh! NFTs are a scam.
How much are NFTs worth? Not a Fucking Thing!
Nonono you didn't read the article, the company behind says these are unique, and they were promoted by famous people, and auctioned at Sotheby's.
Trust me, clearly they are very valuable, honest! Somehow they are claimed to still be worth $50,000!! I bet in another couple of years they'll still be worth way over erh let me think, they may still be worth something, maybe a couple hundred? It's the future, it's a sure thing!!
Nfts could have been a revolutionary technology and we instead had a bunch of hucksters racing to reinvent scams with it.
Idk about revolutionary
I just checked in on how NBA Topshot (basically sports highlight NFTs) are doing and apparently they are still finding greater fools.
they are only greater fools if they come from the greater fool plains of the US, otherwise it's just sparkling bagholders.
Just don't buy the "worthless digital monkeys" and they'll be so worthless that their value will be in the negatives; they'll give you money.
In fairness, they didn't buy the monkeys, they bought a spot on the blockchain that says they own the hyperlink to the picture of the monkey.
I don't even understand how someone could fall for NFTs. It was so obviously a stupid, broken concept from the very beginning, it hurts to know that anyone actually was so dumb spent money on this.
Conmen typically target people of low intelligence in scams because it increases the chances of said scam being successful, like the classic Nigerian Prince scam littered with spelling inaccuracies aimed at duping the idiots.
Remember when Seth Green said he had a whole TV show ready to go based on his his Bored Ape and then someone stole it? He paid $300,000 to get it back and ever since... no TV show. I'm wondering if he's just embarrassed at this point.
buy stupid NFT
pitch TV show about said NFT
get investors to pay for it
take out insurance on NFT and TV show
never bother to make TV show
just collect salary as passive income
“leak” private key a few days before “release”
collect insurance to repay investors
GEE, WHO THE FUCK COULD'VE FORESEEN SUCH TURN OF EVENTS, HUH??? If only there were people that realized very early on that NFTs were absolutely pointless, right?
Sarcasm aside, even being the USA, I doubt there's any law that criminalizes shit investments. Despite everything, NFTs and cryptocoins themselves still aren't legally considered scams, so investing in them and losing money due to their price fluctuations aren't crimes.
Yuga colluded with fine arts broker, Defendant Sotheby's, to run a deceptive auction.
Isn't that the modus operandi of art auctions in general? There's always at least one or two fellas doing everything in their power to pump up prices of certain pieces or specific artists, since they have big collections.
Sotheby's Metaverse, an NFT trading platform opened after the auction, "operated (or attempted to operate) as an unregistered broker of securities."
Ooohh, now that could be interesting, though I highly doubt they'll get more than a slap on the wrist, if it gets that far.
Oh yeah, I forgot about these.
2021: "NFTs aren't like tulips at all!!!"
2023: crickets
Leopards Ate My Face
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