He also had a three-page handwritten manifesto that included grievances with the US healthcare system, a document that spoke to the suspect's "motivation and mindset", officials said.
Publish it then.
He also had a three-page handwritten manifesto that included grievances with the US healthcare system, a document that spoke to the suspect's "motivation and mindset", officials said.
Publish it then.
He was carrying it around for absolutely no reason and for long enough to get caught with it? Bullshit, it's manufactured evidence.
First thought that came to mind as well, it sounds very implausible for him to be carrying a manifesto.
Give them time to write it up! They police are having problems with the shared Google Doc permissions.
and the reading, don't forget the reading
Reported by a worker at McD. Wtf, they're the group that would benefit the most from a change in the healthcare system. Idiot.
Reported by a worker at McD. Wtf, they’re the group that would benefit the most from a change in the healthcare system. Idiot.
Or, and hear me out here, we can view this with a little sympathy: there's $60k in rewards for anyone who turned this guy in, and the person who did it makes peanuts at McDonalds.
Now, I don't know if I would do it, but I can completely and utterly sympathize why someone who makes poverty wages would turn class traitor for what almost certainly life-changing money.
Well then this person is a moron. They won’t see a dime. Maybe a pat on the head and a gift card from the dollar store.
Employee of the Month
With the review bombing and public hatred of that McDonald's location? Fired is more like it.
I don't. Might as well just be a cop if you think like that, plenty of room for bootlicking morons in that profession.
Simply a lack of class consciousness. America has worked hard since the rise of the USSR to topple workers power through union busting and destruction of community.
Basically we are built by our material conditions.
One doesn't have to go far to find a boot-licking class traitor who thinks if they run the rat race well enough they'll get a piece of cheese.
But to be fair to the McDonalds worker, the cash reward is designed to do just that.
$50k is 1-2 years pay for the person who reported him. For them, that short term relief was worth more than the highly improbable outcome where this man's actions actually impact their life in a positive way in the next few months. Money wins almost every time
Why do I keep reading his name as "Luigi's Mansion"
Lucky the police got him before he got nintendo'ed.
There’s a picture of him holding a McD happy meal?? He had the gun and manifesto just laying there in his backpack? You f’ing kidding??
Some elite fucks used an advanced AI search algorithm to search a bunch of people who vaguely looked like him. Input term search for social media and ‘reviews’ to further narrow down until you find someone who has a few tweets and posts that the media can point to say “yup hey look, he liked Kzynski’s manifesto on goodreads…got the guy!”. Plant evidence, and you got your scapegoat.
This poor kids’ life is ruined. And he will probably be threatened if he doesn’t plead guilty and waive jury trial. He’ll get a visit from the MIB threatening to skin his family alive in front of him if he doesn’t play along.
Reading these fantasy takes is exhausting. It's hard to want to be a part of a community that supports this guy by gaslighting everyone, saying things like "it's not the same guy in the four photos!" Just hundreds of people all convinced they can secure this guys freedom by acting dumb and face blind- you've created a whole fictional scenario here that's just unbelievable and unrealistic.
If he didn't want to get caught he shouldn't have left DNA all over, shouldn't have taken off his mask, shouldn't be carrying the murder weapon days later... He could have helped himself but instead there's an army of idiots who are probably just creating this fan fiction to impress their peers. It's very childish though. This guy tried to do something which is commendable, or maybe he's just mentally ill, but I'm just tired of reading all this nonsense. Who are you signalling to?
I posted this elsewhere, but this is one of the few times I buy the conspiracy theory, not the official story.
Dude pulls off a targeted assassination, gets away clean, trolls the cops with a bag of monopoly money, gets out of the state, stays essentially hidden for almost a week... And then gets clocked by some poor maccas employee and gets taken in with a manifesto AND a gun on his person?
It's the nazi flag and 3 copies of The Sims all over again, except this time the folks doing it are slightly more competent and actually pulled it off.
This case is so important, so high profile, that they just need to arrest someone ASAP. Anyone. And that person is not in for a good time.
To be fair, people were posting actors who look like the very shitty pictures we have of the guy too, and I buy some of them. Honestly, the picture we have looks more like Timothée Chalamet than this guy. I'm not saying it isn't this guy, or it is Chalamet, but there's a shit ton of people in this world, and a lot look like the shooter.
Edit to add: I'll never trust the word of the authorities. They have to prove that this is the man. It's their duty, not ours.
I think he knew he was going to get caught. Words on bullets, monopoly money... It's trying to make the story larger and larger. Pretty sure he will make a show in front of the jury.
I don't know if that will work, but I respect that more than he killed the pig without making clear why.
One of us
Doesn’t look like the guy in the photos. That guy had a coat on. Not guilty.
He honestly doesn't look like the same guy to me. Idk.
I admit I'm kinda disappointed. He pulled out almost perfect assassination that looked well thought out, managed to get away with only a few hickups in his plan as far as his face is considered, and then walks around with a murder weapon and a manifesto in his bag? Shame, really. All he needed was to lay low for a while, grow a beard and he'd probably be OK.
Don't be disappointed. I guessed he was going to do this, and for good reason. His options were to either, live a life in fear, worrying that one day he would be caught, or, to basically give him self up, and elect for a Jury trial. Jury nullification is one os the most powerful tools available to the average, non-rich american. If he goes through the trial and gets acquited (which only takes 1 juror), then hes a free man, a folk hero, and he sets the precident that killing rich murderers isn't an automatic crime.
What he's doing is the smartest available option, please donate to his legal defense fund.
and gets acquited (which only takes 1 juror)
Unfortunately this is not true. 1 juror alone can hang the jury, but they'd have to convince all the other jurors to actually render a verdict of not guilty to avoid a mistrial
I almost want to believe this guy saw how similar he was to the photos and how famous the shooter was getting and decided to take the fall by wandering around in public with some incriminating circumstantial evidence until someone reported him so he could take the credit.
You're supposed to grow the beard before and shave it off after. Its much faster to shave it off than grow it back
I'm curious why he still carry all those things after he is done with it.
Maybe plotting how to dispose of it, perhaps extra paranoid with how much he blew up. Unfortunately all the memes of him probably helped spread the search for him. Not everyone who saw a meme agreed with his actions.
It was a ghost gun, he could have thrown it into any ditch and not have it traced back to him.
You know, is said he worked UI at Firaxia from '15 to '17, which first made me think he worked on Civ VI, but then more likely Xcom Chimera Squad?
You don't get that job without having some interest in games. I hope it turns out he actually played Assassin's Creed and is intentionally pulling an Ezio look, smile and all.
I read in an AP article that he worked on Civ VI as an intern, so you would be correct.
I could get lost in that smile.
Fixarixis? Do they mean Firaxis?
Yes, Firaxis, he worked as an intern fixing UI issues in Civ VI based off of a screenshot I saw of his LinkedIn page
Does the police media briefing affect his right to a fair trial? They mentioned his motivation and mindset and a note. Apparently he implied money had been planted in the charge hearing.
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