I still strongly dislike a lot of the dynamics around them.
They're still privacy nightmares, they're still running black-box software that's not auditable and doing who the fuck knows what in the basebands, and they're still covered in sensors running apps that are trying to scrape every byte of that data to profile you and sell that data to anyone who asks.
But, ultimately, I was spending too much time trying to stand on a principle that wasn't really doing anything (I still use computers, and the websites of most of the apps I was using before, and still having a huge amount of data ingested since I didn't live in a cabin in the woods) other than making my own life more complicated and causing shit like missing invites to things because my phone just didn't get the SMS, or resorted the arrival order, or failed to download a MMS message or whatever whereas everyone on a modern phone was like, fine.
So I won't say I'm all-in, or that I like them, or that I've even changed my mind that they're little spy rectangles that are making us all stupid, but uh, too much in modern life is making the assumption you have one to completely unplug without losing an awful lot.
Well, there's one, but it requires dealing with an exceedingly shit company, so uh, not really?