Old man changed the aircon remote language to polish somehow. So, had a crash 2min course in polish and now I'm fluent and can fix all your accidental language changes from polish to english. But seriously, that is a severely difficult language.
lol, sorry but lol
It's an insane language! I just cannot get any pronunciation right at all with Polish 😭
Sounds like when I bought a phone from overseas and it was set with Chinese as the default. That was a fun experience.
Have made a gingerbread dough and it's chilling in the fridge. Miniest made me do it 🫡 I'm sure she likes to eat the dough as much as the finished gingerbread, it smells like Christmas. I just realised I don't have a gingerbread emoji, so 🫚🍞
First batch is out!
Flat didn't drop in temperature overnight. Pray for me.
Not so bad outside as it's overcast rather than skin-peelingly burning hot. Wait for blood test took an hour but at least it was air conditioned inside so I caught up on my crosswords. Grabbed some Argentinean empanadas for lunch on a whim (yum!!!), and a late coffee... Apt has stayed pretty nice and cool so far. I've been running the extractor fan in the bathroom which I think is kinda sorta helping to suck cool air in from the lounge via the bedroom?
Cringing a bit at how much drying I'll need to do at the laundromat. I've put the towels to air dry a bit in the bathroom until I'm ready to go so there's less paid drying involved. So dumb to have to use a dryer on a day like today. I won't be here long enough to warrant buying a dryer for the unit, either... once I've opened up more space here I'll look into some strategic clothes horse positions for drying work clothes and the like.
I will say there is something about living within walking distance to SO much stuff and activity (but not having to hear most of it at home). It's like being on holiday in a downtown airbnb.
Not hungry this morning. Have made a large jug of peppermint tea which is currently cooling on the countertop prior to being put in fridge. Some essential shopping only this morning, then I'm going to sleep the day away. Punctuated by peppermint tea over ice. Cool change is due fairly late tonight so not looking forward to this afternoon.
Today is an inside day. Going out for some drinks when it cools down, but otherwise, just going to chill/zonk out 😎
Paws out means "I'm not moving" lol
Walking in the drizzle listening to music is one of my favourite activities. Fuck yeah.
Edit: Tonight was a good night. Have been feeling extra isolated lately. Saw some friends and just had dinner and chatted. Grateful they came to hang out.
Can't wait to move closer to civilisation.
No man in banh mi shop line, standing super close behind me will not get you served faster.
That really icks me.
Some people literally have no self-awareness.
I have shouted at people standing very close behind me at atm and registers. ( this is not like me but when people wont listen to soft words said 5 times I will shout ) Even when you tell them they just don't understand personal space.
Great. That’s all I need.
I think the split system using AC is leaking into the roof and wet spots and stuff have appeared.
Only noticed it today.
No proof that it the AC but I can’t think of any recent rain that could have caused it.
Dammit :(
I thought I was being responsible when I decided that 5 hours sleep was enough and I should get my lazy ass out of bed.
Bup bow.
Edit: about to kick off nap #3
weather is body temperature, plus fan forced eh? alrighty heading out now let's do this
dinner has been cooked and eat. I had a shake and one thai small chicken skewer with onion and capsicum, no sauce on it.
There is also pineapple fried rice.
num, skewers
I rilly want to eat some more
Far too hot.
There is also about a 50% chance that the air conditioning at work will end up being too cold at some point today, so I have brought in my cardigan.
We are so hot 🥵
Okay, now I need to watch The Fifth Element again.
It's on SBS On Demand, super green!
Oooh, nice, thanks for the tip! That sounds like a great plan for a lazy Saturday afternoon 😊
Still waiting for the rain here.....come on sky gods.....let me have it!
I’ve hurt my foot. Not sure yet how bad it is but it was a decent one
today is a good day to rest 🫂
Big breakfast devoured. Now I don't need to leave my apartment again today
27C inside is a perfectly fine temperature, Tropical Meat thinks.
Arctic meat finds those sorts of temperatures are a prompt to lie on the floor and cry
It is not advised that you further deprive yourself of water and electrolytes .
It would help me die quicker, which at high temperatures is pretty much what I feel like doing.
Fortunately the work air conditioning is cranked up. I might need to put my cardigan on.
Out and about. Took some serious self-convincing. Overcast, but still feels like burning face off weather.
So many of my favourite chicken sandwiches available I have no appetite for it. Also, weirdo I am I still have hot coffee in this weather… Somehow I have received an iced one. I must look like I need it.
it's a little warm, egg nishna has been switched on
Oh man. I wish I lived somewhere I could set up a hammock outside and chill out with a book
It's officially 1.3° colder inside than out. #Winning
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