Daily Discussion Thread: 🕶️🧊🍃Saturday, November 23, 2024
This community is a place created for the people of Melbourne and Victoria. We are a positive, welcoming and inclusive community. We might not agree about everything, but we always strive to stay civil and respectful.
The focus of our discussions is based around things that affect Victoria, but we are also free to discuss our local perspective on wider issues. Or head to the regular Daily Random Discussion thread to talk about anything.
Ongoing discussions, FAQs & Resources (still under construction)
Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
Not so bad outside as it's overcast rather than skin-peelingly burning hot. Wait for blood test took an hour but at least it was air conditioned inside so I caught up on my crosswords. Grabbed some Argentinean empanadas for lunch on a whim (yum!!!), and a late coffee... Apt has stayed pretty nice and cool so far. I've been running the extractor fan in the bathroom which I think is kinda sorta helping to suck cool air in from the lounge via the bedroom?
Cringing a bit at how much drying I'll need to do at the laundromat. I've put the towels to air dry a bit in the bathroom until I'm ready to go so there's less paid drying involved. So dumb to have to use a dryer on a day like today. I won't be here long enough to warrant buying a dryer for the unit, either... once I've opened up more space here I'll look into some strategic clothes horse positions for drying work clothes and the like.
I will say there is something about living within walking distance to SO much stuff and activity (but not having to hear most of it at home). It's like being on holiday in a downtown airbnb.
What you're describing sounds like heaven to me at the moment.
I cannot wait to leave this area and side of town. It was a giant waste of time anyway.
I can definitely appreciate how you feel, it's how I felt when I first came to Aus and the first few years were all in deep suburbia where i couldn't fathom the way of life. I can kind of see why Richmond rentals attract a premium compared to say the equivalent in Hawthorn, simply for the vibrancy and density. Still overpriced IMO and no longer my thing but I can try and enjoy it while I'm here (while trying not to spend too much... none of this fun is for free)