I got like 3 or 4 of these kicking around. I was gonna toss em. Maybe I'll try this out.
I already have the stuff setup, you can mail them to me and I'll mail the minis back =]
Wow, you are so nice, love this community
Finally, a use for Magic cards
Actually, one place I know uses them as coasters, and another has a tabletop made out of them covered in resin, so I guess this is the third useful thing
I use ‘em to measure powders and put ‘em into bags!
So you're gathering the magic with your magic the gathering cards
That's some pure uncut magic in that little baggie right there
I like to use Inspired Charge for blow, it seems fitting.
After years of uncontrolled MtG addiction, I have so many basic lands that I used them for that, and to scoop up weed to put in the bowl, and to pick my teeth, and to cut into doobie filters, etc etc.
Hell yeah hahaha. I try to find relevant commons or shitty in commons that match what I’m doing.
I think an awesome way to use them would be to have the BBEG be a planeswalker. When the fight starts, the DM pulls out a Magic deck and starts playing Magic against D&D.
None of what you said means anything to me.
Better do that to your used blacker lotuses
i love that you are supposed to rip it into piece, but only after you tabbed it
Lmao I love that joke series
Is there a higher resolution image of this? I want to print it but there's too much JPEG
Totally. This person needs to put some mod podge on top to protect the paper and add weight.
I'm not even into magic and I'm offended
I did this as a kid to make 'pogs' lol
“Here’s my Nolan Ryan rookie pog and here’s my Hologram Charizard pog.”
I got this Honus Wagner slammer that I made from my granddad's collection. Can I play?
Ty Cobb flippers, come and get em.
You can go to a good print shop and get yourself an entire stack of Black Lotus proxies for a few bucks. It is the most heavily counterfeited card in the series
Which is probably why that's the one they chose for this picture; it being a counterfeit and not an original, of course
I need a ttrpg with a pogs battle mechanic
Don't give WOTC any ideas.
What are these worth currently?
10K at the low end.
If it makes you feel any better, the wood grain in the hole doesn't line up with the wood grain of the rest of the table. It's a slightly sloppy photoshop.
It doesn't? Looks fine to me
Look at the top section of it. The bottom section is fine, but the top is way off.
Uhh, that's what wood grain looks like. It could still be shopped but that's not evidence.
Ha I still can't see it! Maybe it's cus I'm on a phone....but to me, the grain looks bang on, even with the curvature
I know two friends.. who would absolutely lynch you for doing this.
Anyway, it has been fun following them and occasionally ask "whats this card worth?" and general answer has been 5-50€ a card. The cards can be worth more than literal money.
The problem is that this specific card is worth 5.000-18.000$
No, I do not know why
Because it's the most powerful card in the 30 years the game has been around and the 1st printing (alpha) was very limited so there are not very many in existence.
18 grand is a steal. Lotus can be much more in decent condition. The depiction in the Post is worth 1 - 2 Teslas.
This is enough of a crime to lock you up in a jail for the rest of your lifetime.
Just got death threats from my magic friends XD
No one has yet mentioned the part of the border that has been cut? I'm deceived.
Huh? You can see a bit of the card border on the edge of the token if that's what you mean...
I was just joking about the common OCDish reactions on the internet in this type of situations.
Oof. That's gonna diminish the value a tad.
And yet the listing would still probably say "near mint condition".
It's much more mint shaped now, so I guess that's correct...
Oh man
But this is one of my favorite cards... quite offensive!
Live the adventure.
Humor, jokes, memes about TTRPGs