You know this isn't about male or female, it's about promoting hate.
It's weird, because having spent a lot of time with them, it always seemed to me, that a lot of "right-wingers" are misanthropes who just need a group to hate and a reason to hate said group. Then they acquire a right-wing (preferably radical) ideology and retroactively rationalize their hate with that. And I do know even self-defined far-right people (if not that many) who don't just blindly hate any group (I know, weird) but most of them in my opinion just hate everyone and everything but only letting you know about the minorities don't like.
Every cuntservative talking point is a lie wrapped around a kernel of truth that they don't even care if it makes sense as long as they feel it gives them permission to hate.
I'm slow and missed this week's news cycle. What the hell is going on?
Does this have to do with the Olympic Boxing thing?
What's the Olympics boxing thing?
Boxer from Algeria beat an Italian boxer in something like 46 seconds.
Algerian girl had been previously banned from a boxing event after some "confidential" test determined she didn't qualify. Later,the boxing group said she had XY chromosomes but no solid evidence. Olympics tested her and she passed. She was born a girl and always lived as a girl, being trans is illegal in her country.
The right is insisting she is trans because of either the XY thing or a claim that she has high T levels (I don't think this has been confirmed). Suddenly they are acting like her genitals don't matter and she is a male anyway even without any evidence (at best she would be intersex from the chromosomes but not trans).
I’ve heard it being described as “the right thinks there’s two genders: men and fuckable. Anything they personally consider not fuckable is now being called the former.”
That is the smartest thing I've ever heard anyone say, ever. I wonder, is it fuckable or breedable?
Then you might like the saying about the two races: white and political.
Finally, it won't be gay to find femboys hot.
Funnily enough, with the fact that grindr crashes sometimes near republican conventions, they may think the same way. They would never admit it though, of course.
Oh I dunno. I've seen plenty of right wingers with hate symbols on their pickup trucks that definitely have some very grey areas between men and fuckable .
I think they just don't want to admit they could get their ass kicked by a woman.
So weird.
This can and should be the undoing of the mainstream MAGA/Tories fascist and transphobic BS we have been spoon-fed for the last 7 or so years.
They're completely immune to hypocrisy, unfortunately
Hypocrisy is one of their core values.
This is correct. It took me years to cure my liberal belief that hypocrisy is not a virtue for these assholes (conservatism). So much time wasted on "gotchas" about it.
You can't logic someone out of a belief they didn't logic into.
They're all feelings. You gotta get them afraid of the right things. Like billionaires.
But it's much simpler to make them fear jews, trans people, or muslims
Mark Twain said it is much easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they are being fooled.
I did the “ok, but why” argument with a MAGA I am forced to interact with on the trans issue.
He ended up admitting how “well, what am I supposed to do if I meet a really cute girl, and we go out, and then she had a penis!” I dunno, what would you do there? Maybe realize something about yourself and stop being a hateful fuck.
A few trans people were killed in the similar situation and that's horrible
It wouldn’t surprise me the way the MAGA people act. It short circuits their brain and they don’t know what to think.
So much time wasted on “gotchas” about it.
I feel your pain friend, intimately.
Can and should and won't. Remember: the SI unit for progress is the Funeral.
Can you convert that to freedom units for me?
wait, when?
There is a boxer in the Olympics, who was assigned female at birth, has always female sex organs, was raised as female, and identifies as a woman. Some people are arguing that she shouldn't be considered a woman because she may or may not have XY chromosomes.
They keep moving the goalpost what it means to be a man or a woman - complaining about genitals. Stupid shit.
Soon, they'll be arguing about how women have more theta waves and a man's chakra needs to be above 80 Megatron's.
you mean someone born female with male chromosomes?
is that because she lost?
No, she won, so the crazies think that means she's a man, because that's the only way she can be good at sports.
She won (she is not pale white) with white woman from italy. this is pure racism.
oh, i get it now
standard right wing babble, what did i expect
No, she won and now they think she could only win because she's secretly a man somehow.
It’s fun how the asshole at the IBA who conducted the genetic testing for XY chromosomes can’t seem to replicate the results, sure loves talking about them.
“She had a man’s body!” No, pretty sure that’s boobs and a vagina, buddy. But, we can’t expect much knowledge about female anatomy from conservatives.
"HEY WORLD! We did a test and it totally showed that she could have XY chromosomes, but we aren't going to say what test we did, or what the results were, because that would violate her medical privacy and we would NEVER want to do that....."
But they so earnestly care about fairness in women’s sports! \s
You know, we should do a follow up with their logic and dare them to propose a ban to black athletes for having unfair advantages too.
Which, um, used to be true?
Well I agree, we should continue with this logic. Unironically get rid of gender discriminatory leagues. My gender has nothing to do with whether someone 2ft taller than me will destroy me at basketball. Or genetic reflexes differences, etc. The only way to separate people based on genetic ability would be to separate based on performance(and this of course disadvantages people of average performance because of genetics, but above average technique/training/etc.)
First, that's already how many sports are, there's an "open" league and a women's league that exists because sexual dimorphism is a hell of a drug.
Second, skill-based classes present a different perverse incentive to intentionally under-perform in order to dominate a lower bracket rather than ascend to the bottom of a higher tier.
There's not really a perfect solution as long as there are stakes beyond pride and good sportsmanship.
Hypocrisy doesn't hurt people for whom the double standard is the objective. They won't get embarrassed because they lack integrity, because they are desperate to show that they don't have an ounce of it.
Too many billionaires own basketball teams for this to fly.
We are losing the class war...
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