The point about the Bechdel test is that it’s such an incredibly low bar, and yet most fiction fail at it.
The point of the bechdel test is that as a lesbian she has no interest in media in which men are the sole focus.
I thought the characters had to be named in the work itself to pass
Actually the girl's name is Freda, her mother calls her name when she escapes the raided village
Test passed then!
Lol is that legitimately the only time two female characters talk?
And since the scene wasn't even scripted in the books, it looks like something Peter Jackson added on purpose to pass the test in the most comical way
Its been a while since I read LotR but didn't the entwives just fuck off to a different forest cause they got tired of dealing with the ents' bullshit? And the ents are all like "we should go looking for them" "yes we should" and then they just don't cause theyre too lazy. I'm pretty sure they even mention knowing exactly where the entwives went.
So it's implied that the entwives (if I remember correctly) live near the shire. They say the trees in the deeper parts move, and some even speak.
Of course, in the books, the shire is decimated and attacked, and similar to the other commenter I believe this is another example of the magic leaving the world of middle earth.
The entwives were likely all burned by Sauron's forces in the second age, it's just part of the general trend of the world's magic fading.
They may have an idea where they went, but they have no idea if they're still there.
What happened to the entwives is legitimately a source of great debate and mystery to this day as Tolkien never provided a conclusive answer during his lifetime. On purpose, I might add, because people kept asking him, and he enjoyed keeping the answer to himself.
This actually reminds me of MLP:FiM, there was a long running fan theory that Ponyville took place in a gated lesbian community due to there only being five males present in town for the longest time while everyone else was female. (Mr. Cake, Big Macintosh, Snips, Snails, and Spike.)
I think they started doing more equal gender representation in crowd shots after awhile if memory serves, but it's been awhile.
How long did entsex last?
like, 3 centuries at minimum
(which the ents still consider to be embarrassingly short)
Need me an entwife stat
I remember when the game BRINK (2011) was about to be released (it was buggy and flopped, but looked cool before the release) and it featured a robust character customization system featuring body parts, clothes and accessories. All men.
When asked if there's a story reason there were no women the project leaders just looked nervous and made up excuses about hit boxes and wardrobe limitations..
I (who am funny in the head and have no sense of gender attachment) thought if they just switched the genders, made them all women with a story justification then it would work (we already had a gazillion all-male pvp games, and this one wasn't going to beat TF2 )
Left 4 Dead features Zoey and Borderlands finally added gender balance in The Pre Sequel As HAWP observed, Saints Row 2 and Saints Row, The Third were the big inclusion winners for not only having men and women but could mix and match bodies, voices and clothes to simulate a wide range of trans and enby as well.
The Entwives went east to Hobbiton...
I wonder how would "Eminence in shadow" would fare. It is basically a harem but it would make sense for a bunch of guys to simp for a strong female leader.
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