that feels like a post your reactionary uncle would share on facebook with a ton of laugh crying emojis
Yeah, I like to eat meat, but I leave the vegetarians and vegans alone. Why pick a fight?
Because some people get food aggressive, and even a mention of a sustainable diet that doesn't depend on cruel treatment of animals get them all riled up
It does, but it's still a good pun.
Yes, it's great!
This might just be me, but an exclamation point ruins this joke, and many similar ones
With no exclamation point, I read this as a very dry, very serious response, and the comedy comes from the absurdity of what's said with a straight face
When I see the exclamation mark, my brain goes "BOOMER BOOMER BOOMER"
vegan bad amirite
Nah, they aren't bad. Just religious zealots in disguise
The difference between veganism and religion is that one is based on facts, the other is not.
- It's true that other species of animals are sentient, they have nervous systems similar enough to ours that we know they can feel pleasure and pain.
- It's true that we kill billions of them per year.
- It's true that the vast majority of them are factory farmed (74% worldwide, 99% in the US).
- It's true that humans at all stages of life can thrive on a properly planned vegan diet, according to most major health organizations.
- It's true that animal agriculture is extremely inefficient and loses a lot of calories from crops being put towards feeding animals (see: trophic levels)
- It's true that animal agriculture has a huge impact on the environment compared to feeding crops directly to humans.
so get out of here with that nonsense that veganism is religious zealotry. I don't have time to cite a source for each point, but they're all super easily verified. Veganism is looking at the impact of your choices with clear eyes and choosing compassion over personal pleasure. It's choosing to live and let live, rather than forcing death and misery on other species because you like the taste of their flesh and secretions.
It's true that humans at all stages of life can thrive on a properly planned vegan diet, according to most major health organizations.
Wait, including newborns? I mean, I doubt there's a vegan alive who's against breastfeeding, but for people who can't breastfeed, baby formula isn't vegan, is it?
Not trying to rag on the point you're making btw
I think there is vegan formula, and using breastmilk is vegan since it's consensually given, including breastmilk shared by other mothers
You are focusing on the word religious, but it's the zealot that's important here. Of course you lot are zealots. It doesn't matter what argument is made against veganism, you will defend it - vehemently.
OK, maybe not all of you are radical to the point of, I dunno, bombing meat processing plants, but online, you make a up very vocal group of people. Enough that there are memes about y'all. It's like linux folk, or the people over on lemmygrad, the anti-woke crowd, the feminists, and other vocal groups.
I'm not vegan, but what are the counter arguments? It tastes good? It's convenient?
Humans are omnivores, and have been for the lifespan of our species
There are a number of important nutrients that humans get from animal products that are difficult to get from plant-based sources, including vitamin B12, which is not present in land-based plant species (I'm not sure whether red algae counts as a plant, so I'm playing it safe with land-based)
That being said, a lot of people (myself included) eat far more animal products, particularly meat, than needed
There are a number of factors at play there, including government subsidies for feed crops and meat production artificially driving up its availability
This is one argument @darganon. We need nutrients from a variety of things. We can live without some of them but that can come at the cost of health later in life e.g Vegetarian women more likely to fracture hips in later life.
animal-source foods (ASFs) are dense in bioavailable vitamins and minerals. ASFs are the only intrinsic food source of vitamin B12 [7] and contain more bioavailable forms of vitamins A and D, iron, and zinc than plant source foods (PSFs)
Then there's land-use:
• 86% of the global livestock feed intake in dry matter consists of feed materials that are not currently edible for humans
• Contrary to commonly cited figures, 1 kg of meat requires 2.8 kg of human-edible feed for ruminants and 3.2 for monogastrics
• Livestock consume one third of global cereal production and uses about 40% of global arable land
It wouldn't surprise me if we evolved to have balanced diet from multiple sources because they have the nutrients we require. We most likely don't need all the meat we're eating and we do a terrible job in developed countries with reducing waste. But just like a purely meat based diet, a purely plant based diet is just one of the extremes. To each their own though.
You get it :)
I ain't mad at what people do with their own lives, but vegans are so easy to troll with this because it's true.
Anti-vegans are way more annoying and overzealous in my experience. I rarely see the stereotypical asshole vegan but I do often see the obnoxious anti-vegan.
I'm not gonna defend this meme or anything but there are very militant vegans on lemmy who sit in their communities and just insult non vegans with invented slurs and sometimes fantasize about violence towards them.
While it's usually in their communities they also frequently forget where they are and bring it outside the bubbles. I wouldn't be surprised if one pops up here.
Maybe, maybe. Dunno, I'm not anti-vegan, I just like trolling them.
That is actually a different thing. I cook vegan for friends and family. I even agree with most of the reasoning they espouse (the serious ones, not the online assholes).
But, c'mon, they're so easy to bait, and someone always tries the same stuff in response. I can outright say "I'm trolling you vegans because it's fun, and the troll is that you're religious zealots", and there's still people that have to screech about how vegans are superior. That's how silly it gets.
It's a personality flaw, I guess. I just can't stop myself from poking at stuffed shirts. It got me fired twice irl. One of those was in fast food as a teenager, so I don't think it counts, but still.
not the online assholes
Honestly you've made yourself seem like an online asshole here. Who else besides an asshole ragebaits people for their own enjoyment?
Did I ever say I wasn't an asshole?
Hell, go back through my comment history. I've said, directly, honestly, and openly that I'm an asshole. I tend to be a friendly, happy asshole, but I'm just as much an asshole as every other human on the planet.
hey bud maybe you think everyone is an asshole like you and that's your excuse for being one but that's not going to change that you're an asshole and especially as people get older they have less time for assholes.
You might want to stop trying to own it and just try not being an asshole instead.
My homie, every human on the planet is an asshole, it's just a matter of degree. Like, the last person that wasn't was Fred Rogers, and he's long gone.
So, shush. Lemme have my little thing. It ain't much, but it's a good laugh.
Like, I get your instinct, I do. It's cool. You're going about it wrong, but I dig the effort anyway.
Also, the homie thing isn't snark, it's a genuine thing to remind us both that even assholes can reach out and connect in a human way. No bullshit, no trolling on that. For some reason, people assume it's snark more often than not, the way they do with bud, or pal, or whatever.
As a side note, did you catch the fella that took the bait and started throwing around psychopath as his take on anyone that disagrees with his beliefs? It always comes down to someone going there, if not always in that exact phrasing. That's why it's funny. You've got a belief system that's supposed to be about compassion and ethics and goodness, but it always comes back to them insisting not only that they're right, but that anyone else is bad for not signing up. It is absolutely hilarious that they don't see themselves doing the same thing christian zealots do when you disagree with their stance on gay rights, trans rights, abortion, etc.
It's the same thing, over and over again.
Yeah, the famous religion of veganism lmao
this is the most embarrassing post i’ve seen on here
I worked with a lot of non-native English speakers and they love this stuff.
I don't understand why. I mean, I can assume.
Eh, as a native English speaker, I thought it was good. I have pretty low standards though, and I like other corny jokes like saying you're vegetarian because you only eat other vegetarians (e.g. cows).
If they're anything like me, they might be laughing simply because they get the pun.
So much haha, let me get a minion reaction picture, brb
How do you know if someone is a meat eater?
when you see them eating meat, I hope this helps
Good try but the answer is, "don't worry they'll tell you!" as this hilarious meme so perfectly illustrates.
It's a classic!
They have hair in their teeth
Upvoted for reminding me of 9gag
So controversial. Now imagine we're also laughing at the ridiculous position of the cat.
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