Transition party when?
A place to post memes relating to the transgender experience.
[CW: Assumes Viewer is Transmasc]
[CW: Assumes Viewer is Transfem]
[CW: Assumes Viewer is Nonbinary]
[CW: Transphobia]
[CW: Violence]
[CW: Weapons/Firearms]
[CW: Disturbing Imagery]
Pride isn't a party telling you how special you are. It's a reaction against living in a society that tells you that you should be ashamed of being queer and a rejection of shame.
All the Pride month ads in the world don't undo having to evaluate whether or not it's safe to be out at work, or if your spouse should be with you when checking out that one bedroom apartment you want to rent, or if your doctor is going to treat you differently (all things that have gone south for me when someone learned I was gay and trans).