I absolutely would. I'd not line up to be among the first, but controlling devices via a brain interface is an inevitable step of technological evolution.
It will provide such an immense performance boost, that many professions may become unattainable without having one. Possibly within our lifetime.
Is about to kiss the love of their lives
"And now, I wanna show our newest sponsor! Hello Fresh have the best options so you can make your own dinner and blah blah blah..."
If it can reroute my neurons to lessen my ADHD and autism traits I would gladly pay with 3/4 of waking hours filled by ads. At least that would give me 1/4 more working brain than I currently have
And there are actual real life goobers dying to get one themselves.
I absolutely would. I'd not line up to be among the first, but controlling devices via a brain interface is an inevitable step of technological evolution.
It will provide such an immense performance boost, that many professions may become unattainable without having one. Possibly within our lifetime.
Enjoy the unskippable ads in your dreams.
Dreams? What about when it locks up and plays a virtual 200db 5khz tone for the rest of your life?
No, that's a feature. To make it stop you need to pay a subscription.
Is about to kiss the love of their lives "And now, I wanna show our newest sponsor! Hello Fresh have the best options so you can make your own dinner and blah blah blah..."
If it can reroute my neurons to lessen my ADHD and autism traits I would gladly pay with 3/4 of waking hours filled by ads. At least that would give me 1/4 more working brain than I currently have
You clearly have no idea what a brain interface is.