BuT I UsE iT AnD iT mAkEs mY JoB eAsIeR ThUs EvErYoNe ShOuLd LiKe It! So UsEfUl! It'S OnLy UsInG An UnGoDlY AmOuNt Of ElEcTrIcItY FoR EvErY QuErY dUrInG a ClImAtE ChAnGe CriSiS!
The thing is, it doesn't use that much electricity for queries compared to training. So as always, this is squarely on the company, not users. By the way, we are wasting half of all energy going into running the internet on ads.
BuT I UsE iT AnD iT mAkEs mY JoB eAsIeR ThUs EvErYoNe ShOuLd LiKe It! So UsEfUl! It'S OnLy UsInG An UnGoDlY AmOuNt Of ElEcTrIcItY FoR EvErY QuErY dUrInG a ClImAtE ChAnGe CriSiS!
The thing is, it doesn't use that much electricity for queries compared to training. So as always, this is squarely on the company, not users. By the way, we are wasting half of all energy going into running the internet on ads.