To railroad or not to railroad?
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Traveller Discord?
As the others have said, I just straight talk with my players. I don't mind if they take a different direction and I honestly enjoy when they take the initiative to do what they want. I don't try to force them back onto the railroad track, but I will save bits of whatever they would have encountered for later (especially if I've already prepped it!).
If, however, they are taking that exit because I gave them the wrong directions, I will try to get them back on track. I don't consider this railroading, but nudging them in a direction. My players are willing participants in the adventure, but they don't always pick up subtle clues. If they need some more-obvious direction, I try my best to do that without taking away their freedom of choice.
Yeah. There's a very active Discord server for Traveller and all it's variants: