[-] Scallops@ttrpg.network 1 points 1 day ago

I got sidetracked for a while, but here are some answers from that chat:

Ideally you just swap planets. Whatever you have set up for them on planet one is now surprise on planet two.

[in response to the above] This is the default solution for story focused games. The story continues to the next act, the players dictate how.

“I hadn’t thought of that! I don’t have anything prepared. Why don’t we just pause things here for now and chat. I’ll have it ready next time.”

I guess the question is how far off the path? Jump 1 away or Jump 6? GM completely unprepared? Or not as prepared as you’d like? As a Traveller GM I’ve got

  • The notes for every planet and system within range of the PCs ship x2. I.e. for J2 every system within 4 parsecs.
  • A list of 100+ random NPC names
  • A couple sentences about each system
  • Same for the two to five largest factions in my setting

So if the PCs wander I’ve usually got enough material for one night’s worth of material

An easy delay is simply to go into more detail. For example, have them go through the steps of Customs at the new starport, or notice something interesting about another ship, etc. It adds texture to the game, is interesting, and gives you the extra time to prep.

For my group (not sure if it will work for every group) i just leveraged their completionist mindsets. I told them "here are 15 jobs" and the first thing they did was plot an exact course to hit all of them, so they prevented themselves from wandering.

The last one is my favorite of this bunch, because as a player I'd fall for that hook, line, and sinker.

Thank you everyone for participating!


cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/55540901


cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/55842471

These are some high quality, fan-made rules for Cepheus Engine (and so based on the Mongoose Traveller SRD) covering various Star Trek shows up until 2017 (TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, ENT).


User Monomyth posed an interesting question on the Traveller discord that I wanted to replicate here:

hi team, just a quick discussion based question with no right answer; if youre running a game, and the players decide to veer off course into something completely out of left field (such as going to a planet you do not have prepped), is it appropriate to come up with some "delaying issue" so you can have it ready for next session?

Transposing to other settings: what do you do when the players go off-script?

I can summarize some answers we’ve got on that server, but I don’t want to prime your answers from the start.

[-] Scallops@ttrpg.network 3 points 1 month ago

I think a good sci-fi campaign can always benefit from a Heist. Like a train heist or something.

The flip side, which is also fun, the convoy escort role. The crew is part of a convoy and must defend it from marauders.

And the Seven Samurai is a classic stationary version of the above that has been adapted time and again for sci-fi.

[-] Scallops@ttrpg.network 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Traveller, or better yet 2300AD or Hostile for better fit on the setting with the same classic 2d6 rules. Cy_Borg or Stars Without Number for OSR.

Diaspora, Mindjammer, or Nova Praxis if you’re willing to try a more modern system (Fate), but the setting should be pretty close on them, depending on where in the story you want it to be. Diaspora should be a good fit if you want to explore different systems throughout a network of spheres.


What are your favorites to play on? Anything valid, be it a published RPG setting, an adaptation you did of other media (book, game, movie), a mashup you or someone else create, etc.

[-] Scallops@ttrpg.network 2 points 1 month ago

Right, that uses the Fantasy Flight Games' Narrative Dice System (same as WH Fantasy).

[-] Scallops@ttrpg.network 2 points 1 month ago

Wow. I hadn't heard of a single item in your list except for SLA Industries. Not that surprising considering most are long out of print.

By Jupiter Chronicles do you mean Jovian Chronicles?

[-] Scallops@ttrpg.network 2 points 1 month ago

Sounds like you’d like Hostile by Zozer Games. They have a solo version too where you control a crew.

[-] Scallops@ttrpg.network 2 points 1 month ago

Ninguém citou ainda Mutants and Masterminds, que é um clássico, baseado em d20.

Marvel Heroic Roleplaying não tá mais sendo vendido (a Marvel não renovou a licença), mas o pessoal fala muito bem. Sistema Cortex.

[-] Scallops@ttrpg.network 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

That's right. Arguably the most famous?

Come to think of it, I don't think there ever was a Fate official Star Wars setting. I didn't find it, anyway.

[-] Scallops@ttrpg.network 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

BattleTech! That's the one. Didn't know they made an RPG out of it.

Firefly is an out of print Cortex Plus game by Margaret Weis Productions. It's in the list as well as Serenity (the Cortex Classic game by MWP, isn't IP licensing fun?).

[-] Scallops@ttrpg.network 3 points 1 month ago

Rifts is a classic, but also a very strange animal. And for some reason I thought Robotech was a minis game (must be confusing with something else).

Star Wars is already listed. I know those are technically different games, but I'm trying to keep the list as concise as possible (grouping the multiple versions of the same setting under one entry). I don't know much about the history of star wars RPG though. How would you summarize it? (WEG d6, d20, Fate)?

[-] Scallops@ttrpg.network 3 points 1 month ago

Done and thank you!

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Scallops@ttrpg.network to c/scifi@ttrpg.network

This is meant to be a non-exhaustive list, in stream-of-consciousness order.

Dedicated systems

  • Traveller (in its many incarnations throughout the past nearly 50 years and derivatives such as Cepheus, Hostile)
  • 2300 AD (now a setting for Traveller)
  • Cyberpunk (2013, 2020, V3.0, Red)
  • Paranoia
  • Eclipse Phase
  • Lancer
  • Star Wars roleplaying (different games by different publishers: WEG d6, d20, FFG NDS)
  • Warhammer 40K
  • 3:16: Carnage Amongst the Stars
  • Shadowrun
  • Apocalypse World
  • Coyote & Crow
  • SLA Industries

FATE based systems

  • Bulldogs!
  • Mindjammer
  • Nova Praxis
  • Diaspora
  • Atomic Robo

OSR/d20 based systems

  • Stars Without Number
  • Starfinder
  • Mothership

Year Zero

  • Mutant: Year Zero
  • Alien: The RPG
  • Blade Runner: The RPG
  • Coriolis – The Third Horizon


A host of modules and supplements named after the subgenre, GURPS-style. GURPS Transhuman Space, Cyberpunk, etc.

Other systems

  • Star Trek Adventures (Modiphius 2d20)
  • Dune: Adventures in the Imperium (Modiphius 2d20)
  • Rifts (Palladium)
  • Robotech (Palladium)
  • Scum and Villainy (FitD/PbtA)

Solo friendly

  • Stoneburner
  • Ironsworn: Starforged (PbtA)
  • Hostile (Cepheus/Traveller)

Out of print/No longer developed

  • Firefly RPG (Cortex Plus)
  • Serenity RPG (Cortex Classic)
  • Battlestar Galactica RPG (Cortex Classic)
  • Gamma World (D&D)
  • Space Opera
  • Other Suns
  • Albedo
  • Space Master
  • Blue Planet
  • Ringworld
  • Living Steel
  • High Colonies
  • Jovian Chronicles
  • Heavy Gear
  • Justifiers
  • Star Frontiers
  • Universe

Have a suggestion to improve this? Your favorite game missing? Leave a comment.

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