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Late Stage Capitalism
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You talk as if your vote means shit.
That kind of talk is why Trump won.
As a Canadian, I honestly believe your election was rigged and has been since 2000.
Corporations own your country, it's very obvious. The only way you can influence your government at this point is collective action which will never happen cause you have iPhones to use to get your anger out.
Democrats is why Trump won.
Lack of resistance is why Trump won. Democrats are part of that, but the blame hardly lies on them alone.
Votes do matter, they're just not enough on their own.
It's hard to claim lack of resistance when the entire party was shifting to the hard right trying to attract that hard right vote. They cozied up to war criminals, cops zionists and the right wing while blowing right-wing dog whistles there was no resistance
Harris: 75,012,178 votes
Trump: 77,302,416 votes
3 million people voted third party, nearly 90 million people didn’t vote at all- and you blame democrats….
Yes. Democrats alienating the people whose votes they need to win is absolutely a democrat problem.
You’re not owed your ass kissed for a vote. That’s not how it works. A candidate has to try to appeal to more than single issue voters. Historicity this has been proven true.
No one is asking for their asses to be kissed, we're asking for a campaign that appeals to enough voters in the party's own base as opposed to courting voters in the other party's base.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
Except it's genocide
If it wasn't for Hillary's pied Piper strategy, Trump never would have been elevated with billions of dollars in free media to become president. If it wasn't for Kamala Harris embracing right-wing politics and every policy of bidens that the public opposed, we wouldn't have Trump right now. Democrats are toxic poison and are their own worst enemy
Riiiiight. It’s always something other than what the numbers show.
In swing states, yes. But for the majority of americans not in a swing state, their gripes are at least somewhat valid thanks to gerrymandering.
Gerrymandering has been a huge problem for a while, what makes you think this time it played a pivotal role in Trump's victory? If that was the case, he would have won the electoral vote but not the popular vote, but he won the popular vote, first Rep pres to do so in 20 years apparently. It helped secure past Rep presidencies, but doesn't to have done so this time around.
Oh you're one of those...
Are you seriously in a communist space advocating a vote for capitalist parties?
Do you really think acceleratioism is not the dumbest fucking idea?
How's that incrementalism working out for you? Your party implied that small baby steps would march to the left, your party is barely to the left of trump. You were advocating and pushing for your own country's shift to the right and further and deeper into fascist authoritarianism. Your party has shifted from people that are building houses for the homeless around the world to embracing cops and zionists on their party stage while blowing Republican dog whistles. Hoping to get the Republican vote while welcoming war criminals with open arms into the party
First: not my party
Second, how's your apathy/voting for a third party in a system where that literally hurts your own goals working for you?
Coward. Liar.
Not too bright are you? Nuance seems to not be your strong suit.
You're a coward because you don't take responsibility for your actions. You're a liar who says they don't support or defend the democratic party when you support and defend them in the only way they care about.
And now I can say you're an idiot because of this tepid, rote reply. Le epic internet insult argument. Smarm smirk smarm.
You seriously don't understand that you can vote for a party because it is the closest thing that can win to what you want without belonging to the party?
It's real easy to rag on others for trying something practical when the shit you do has zero chance of succeeding, I guess.
When the options are "capitalist party that will kill more people" and "capitalist party that will kill fewer people," the answer is obvious
You could not vote, or you could vote third party, but when 97% of the country agrees that one of these two capitalists is gonna win, you have to try and make sure that the less evil one does
You sold your soul to vote for a genocide and you didn't even win. You are not less evil. Doesn't matter who you're comparing yourself to.
After all the Palestinians are wiped out, I hope you rest easy knowing you didn't even try to save some of them
You hope the Palestinians are wiped out so you can be smug about it.
You hope Donald Trump gets a third term to stick it to the Dems.
It's fun making shit up about other people
The dnc as a party weren't interested in saving any of them. They're still in 100% genocide denial. Their own party denied ceasefires.
You tried to save them by supporting the person exterminating them?
If you're being sincere right now, you're the biggest fucking fool on the planet.
I don't think you're being sincere. I have your actions to judge you by. I think you're a nazi.
Lesser evil is bullshit that liberals tell themselves because they know what they support is evil. There is no lesser evil.
And by all measures the party that you're saying is killing lesser people helped kill an absolute shit ton of Palestinians the last 2 years.
I really don't care if some communist thinks I support genocide. I don't, but go ahead and think that I do. But are you really gonna condemn me for trying to save some lives? I could have bitched and moaned and joined the 3% who voted third party or the 40% who didn't vote at all, but I'm not so naive as to think that would help anything
Edit: I decided there was a better way to respond to the comment, and my edit went through after they replied. My original comment read
That’s why we have trump.
We have Trump because of Democrats, specifically Hillary Clinton and her pied Piper strategy.
So, it had nothing at all to do with the three million people single issue third party voting and the almost ninety million people not voting at all?
See, you are offering an opinion on why. I’m offering facts on why. Big difference.
Either you all have to admit that your single issue protest vote was VERY effective in sending a message that you won’t support someone that you don’t like- thus, helping trump get elected, or….
You have to admit that your protest vote failed miserably, and your message fell flat without ever being noticed and your third party vote was wasted- thus not helping to pad the numbers of the only person that could have kept him from being elected.
Which will it be?
Because we all heard all of the threats from the third party protest voters prior to the election. You all were going to send a clear message… so tell me- do you believe it was it heard, or not?
I didn't cast a protest vote. A protest vote is one that is cast against something kind of like Democrats voting against Trump. The outcome that we got is 100% the result of Democrats thinking that they are any different than Republicans your party answers to the same bankers. The same CEOs the same donor class that the Republicans do for the same and means
Currently, a 3rd party vote IS a protest vote. Because it is a vote against the only person that could have stopped trump.
ALL third party voters knew they were voting for someone that has a barely above zero chance to win..
So it was a protest- a throwaway vote. Regardless of how you want to sell it, no matter how loudly you scream from the hills.
The throwaway vote is the ones that were blindly cast for right wing Republicans that called themselves liberal
>never votes because he doesn't think his vote matters
>awful politician gets elected because he didn't vote
See guys? Voting doesn't work!
Awful politicians get elected when I do vote too
If voting didn't do anything then they wouldn't be trying so hard to suppress it.
To give you the illusion that your vote matters. When one billionaire has more political influence than millions of citizens, your vote doesn't mean shit
Two things can be true at once: Voting matters, and also billionaires have extremely outsized political influence. You know what part of that outsized political influence tries to do? Make people think voting doesn't matter and also pass laws to make it harder to vote. Why do you think Republicans were in such a rush to make it illegal to give out water bottles to voters in Georgia after they went blue in 2020? You're legitimately demented if you think all that is just a ruse to make you think voting is important.
There are problems with voting in America, and political corruption is rampant, and Congress is literally for sale, but voting is still how you choose which players are in the game. Using systemic flaws as an excuse to do nothing is a psyop tier opinion.
I do vote and got two of my first choices elected each time. If I didn't, their chances would decrease. What do you even mean voting means shit? My country does not have a college of representatives so my vote counts exactly as one vote.