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Late Stage Capitalism
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Democrats is why Trump won.
Harris: 75,012,178 votes
Trump: 77,302,416 votes
3 million people voted third party, nearly 90 million people didn’t vote at all- and you blame democrats….
If it wasn't for Hillary's pied Piper strategy, Trump never would have been elevated with billions of dollars in free media to become president. If it wasn't for Kamala Harris embracing right-wing politics and every policy of bidens that the public opposed, we wouldn't have Trump right now. Democrats are toxic poison and are their own worst enemy
Lack of resistance is why Trump won. Democrats are part of that, but the blame hardly lies on them alone.
Votes do matter, they're just not enough on their own.
It's hard to claim lack of resistance when the entire party was shifting to the hard right trying to attract that hard right vote. They cozied up to war criminals, cops zionists and the right wing while blowing right-wing dog whistles there was no resistance