What Do You Think Of People Who Are Trans (But Not In A Gender Way?)
A place to ask transgender people questions and get answers about the trans experience.
Respect other people's identities
No Fetishizing Trans people
No Gatekeeping about not being "trans enough"
No Inciting Drama
No personal Agendas
Posts should encourage discussion
Ada (blahaj admin) is cool af so you made a good choice as long as you're being genuine. Do you have any links to get the basics covered for us?
Unfortun8ly the one site that could explain what's going on isn't credi8le due to 8eing run 8y a child a8user, 8ut I do have my own we8site discussing my own transition!
In addition, Alterhuman wiki has an article on a very similar phenomenon. There's also the Freedom of Form Foundation, whom I'm working with.
Dope, thanks for sharing! The spider thing on your website scared the shit out of me lol