submitted 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) by ada to c/main

Whilst this is not a local only post/community, it is primarily intended for blahaj lemmy members. Top level replies from non blahaj accounts will be removed.


I want to take the moment to clarify the Blahaj Lemmy position on things, given recent events and the fallout that has followed. This will give people the chance to decide for themselves if blahaj zone lemmy is the right space for them, or if it doesn't meet their needs.

First and foremost, blahaj zone lemmy exists to give a space for queer folk to exist, with their needs explicitly protected as the highest priority, and with a particular focus on the needs of gender diverse folk. Most lemmy instances are not run by trans folk, and whilst many are still inclusive, they don't always prioritise our needs. Others barely consider trans folk, and react only to the most blatant of bigotry.

We are not a political instance, however political communities have a space here, as does any community that is actively protective of the needs of queer and gender diverse folk. Given the impact of politics on gender diverse folk, that means lots of dialogue and strong opinions exist, and as long as those opinions are honestly held, and not bigoted or exclusive, people are welcome to have and express those opinions here.

For what it's worth, I am a member of the Greens Party in Australia. I have no time for the middle ground politics of the Australian Labor party, let alone the right wing beliefs of the Australian Liberal party. Yet a community of queer Labor Party aligned folk would fit on blahaj lemmy, because the parties ideologies, are not explicitly anti queer. A community aligned with the Australian Liberal party likely would not have a place here, unless the goal of the community was to work at actively challenging the anti queer policies of the party.

That being said, political communities (or any other communities) that exist solely to target and take aim at other queer folk have no place here either. The goal of blahaj lemmy is queer inclusion, and a community whose sole goal is division, will be removed.

The downside to this is that as we assume good faith in members and we don't gatekeep or deny access to people because of their pronouns or gender identity, (even when those identities are challenging to many) it is possible for bad faith actors to take advantage of our inclusive policies. Unfortunately, that's just something we are going to have to navigate as it occurs, because I won't let bad faith folk push this instance to defaulting to exclusion or gatekeeping the validity of someone's identity. I will respect a trolls pronouns even as I ban them, because to not do so, normalises the idea that pronouns are something that are earned by good behaviour, or that other people have a say in the validity of another person's identity and pronouns.

So that's where we stand. Hopefully this will help people decide for themselves whether or not this is the right instance for them.

submitted 6 years ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by root@video.monsieurbidouille.fr to c/monsieurb@video.monsieurbidouille.fr

Chiffrer une communication sur le web à quoi ça sert et comment ça marche ? La réponse dans cet épisode qui explique ce qu'est le HTTPS et son intérêt (et une petite partie de ces limites) !

Si vous voulez en savoir plus, regardez le travail du Goat Gang : Le Goat Gang : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUzpjg-aU0lyXbH9o0cS9jA/featured

Ma chaîne : https://www.youtube.com/user/monsieurbidouille Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/monsieurbidouille Twitter : @MrBidouille Mastodon : @MonsieurBidouille@framapiaf.org Site web : http://monsieurbidouille.fr

Encore une fois, un grand merci à Jérôme pour son aide précieuse, si vous voulez le suivre, c'est par ici :

Twitter : @djayroma Mastodon : djayroma@framapiaf.org

La suite viendra sur le chiffrement et sur d'autres choses très intéressantes. :)

Une partie des sources de cet épisode :

Dual EC DRBG, toute les explications (prévoir des aspirines) : https://connect.ed-diamond.com/MISC/MISC-084/Surveillance-generalisee-Dual_EC_DRBG-10-ans-apres2

Si vous voulez voir d'autres problèmes avec les générateurs pseudo aléatoires, étudiez donc le cas de RdRand (oui c'est des noms pourris, en même temps c'est des algorithmes, c'est pas le dernier Amiibo à la mode) : https://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/09/10/torvalds_on_rrrand_nsa_gchq/

Un article du NyTimes sur la capacité de la NSA a contourner les sécurités de base : http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/06/us/nsa-foils-much-internet-encryption.html?pagewanted=all

PRISM sur Wikipédia : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM_(programme_de_surveillance)

Le Patriot Act sur Wikipédia : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/USA_PATRIOT_Act

PRISM et l’accès de la NSA aux serveurs de Google, facebook, etc : http://o.nouvelobs.com/high-tech/20130607.OBS2332/la-nsa-ont-un-acces-direct-aux-serveurs-de-facebook-et-google.html

S'amuser à chiffrer des trucs. Je vous ai mis sur l'algo utilisé par l'AES (Rijndael 256), parfait pour se passer des mots en cours ! https://crypter.online/crypter/rijndael-256

submitted 6 years ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by root@video.monsieurbidouille.fr to c/monsieurb@video.monsieurbidouille.fr

Ce HS nouvelle formule s'attaque à PeerTube, un projet de plateforme décentralisée libre soutenu par Framasoft. Comment ça marche, que faut-il en attendre, et en quoi c'est intéressant ?

Ma chaîne : https://www.youtube.com/user/monsieurbidouille Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/monsieurbidouille Twitter : @MrBidouille Mastodon : @MonsieurBidouille@framapiaf.org Site web : http://monsieurbidouille.fr

PEERTUBE : Présentation du projet : https://framatube.org/ Git du projet : https://framagit.org/chocobozzz/PeerTube Démo (version alpha) : https://peertube.cpy.re/videos/trending

FRAMASOFT : Framasoft :https://framasoft.org/ Découvrir le projet contributopia de Framasoft : https://framablog.org/2017/10/09/contributopia-degoogliser-ne-suffit-pas/

Problèmes de Youtube : Dany caligula - Youtubers, quels sont vos droits : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkrNOVXOyZ0 Mickael J - FERMEZ LA ! Youtube et le copyright : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWQLhBVuuB4 MisterJDay - Culture Tube - Content ID : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOUxZqsvb64

sdfasdf (lemmy.ml)
submitted 5 years ago* (last edited 5 years ago) by kiedtl@lemmy.ml to c/test@lemmy.ml


etest (etrigg.com)
submitted 5 years ago by bar@lemmy.ml to c/test@lemmy.ml

fsdafdsfda xxxx

Spider web (buzzworthy.in)
submitted 5 years ago by Super@lemmy.ml to c/test@lemmy.ml
Trailer (youtu.be)
submitted 5 years ago by Super@lemmy.ml to c/test@lemmy.ml
submitted 5 years ago by BadSine@lemmy.ml to c/therabbithole@lemmy.ml
The future (lemmy.ml)

How do you (the devs and others) see this platform taking shape in future? What growth should take place in the type of content being collected here? what community values are important, especially as pertains to censorship? Etc

test (lemmy.ml)
submitted 5 years ago by Gabe@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml


submitted 5 years ago by Joe@lemmy.ml to c/rust@lemmy.ml

Oh boy, here we go

submitted 5 years ago by Restioson@lemmy.ml to c/anarchism@lemmy.ml

I made an anarchism forum. That's pretty much it for now.

submitted 5 years ago by Restioson@lemmy.ml to c/anarchism@lemmy.ml
submitted 5 years ago by dessalines@lemmy.ml to c/piracy@lemmy.ml

Another one of my projects.

submitted 5 years ago* (last edited 5 years ago) by dessalines@lemmy.ml to c/piracy@lemmy.ml
first meme (anarchism.space)
submitted 5 years ago by Restioson@lemmy.ml to c/memes@lemmy.ml

via mastodon (lost the link :( )

I have now. (i.imgur.com)
submitted 5 years ago by dessalines@lemmy.ml to c/memes@lemmy.ml
Neat (lemmy.ml)
submitted 5 years ago by Username@lemmy.ml to c/test@lemmy.ml

I like this.

submitted 5 years ago by MinutePhrase@lemmy.ml to c/python@lemmy.ml
submitted 5 years ago by MinutePhrase@lemmy.ml to c/science@lemmy.ml
a clever title. (i.imgur.com)
submitted 5 years ago by dessalines@lemmy.ml to c/memes@lemmy.ml
me_irl (i.imgur.com)
submitted 5 years ago by dessalines@lemmy.ml to c/me_irl@lemmy.ml
submitted 5 years ago by meanmeanman@lemmy.ml to c/test@lemmy.ml

Does everything work as intended? We shall see.

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Blåhaj Lemmy

8,052 readers
392 users here now

Blåhaj Lemmy

Blåhaj Lemmy is brought to you by the kind folk at Blåhaj Zone, and while anyone is free to register for an account here, please bear in mind that this is a server that is very protective of our minority members and bigotry of any variety will be squashed with great prejudice.

We have three alternative lemmy frontends

We also have a public matrix channel at #blahaj:chat.blahaj.zone

Community Guidelines

Blåhaj Lemmy is a space where everyone should feel able to participate safely, and to that end, our community is built on the guiding philosophies of empathy, inclusion and acceptance.


We want our community members to be guided by compassion and empathy for others.

Examples of behaviour that are contrary to this philosophy are personal attacks, insults, doxing etc. If your comment is designed to hurt someone, this isn't the space for it.

Inclusion and Acceptance

Embracing inclusion and acceptance means listening when people tell you who they are and what their needs are. It means not telling people that you know their experiences better than they do. It means not gatekeeping experiences of identities of others. It means no bigotry such as racism, sexism, anti LGBT commentary, ableism etc. It means doing your best to ensure that you don't over-talk the voices of folk who don't share your privileges.

Supporting Blåhaj Lemmy

After much hesitation, we have a Ko Fi to enable people to help with supporting some of the running costs associated with our instances.

Providing a safe space for our community is the goal, so please only consider donating if you are in a position to do so without any financial stress.

Mascot and logo

Find out about our mascot Shonky (they/them) who appears on our site logo here.


founded 2 years ago