[-] yukijoou 4 points 8 months ago

i mean, the main issue is that theologues base their beliefs on the belief that some old texts hold universal truths

[-] yukijoou 5 points 8 months ago


c'est une blague. ils ont pas osé payer pour un nom de domaine si merdique quand même !??

[-] yukijoou 4 points 8 months ago

Qualcomm have said they'll be supporting Linux, and seem to be even trying to get distros like Ubuntu on board to make easy installers. They seem pretty comited to it, and their hardware partners like Lenovo seem on-board too, so I'm hopeful!

[-] yukijoou 5 points 8 months ago

on va avoir des pressions de l'éducation nationale pour trouver un stage pour ceux qui en ont pas, suivi d'un reportage france 3 qui va nous montrer comme c'était simple pour 3 familles de trouver un stage, avec un petit segment au milieu d'un enseignant qui dit que "si quand même c'est compliqué pour beaucoup d'élèves", pour finir sur un plan d'élèves en stage et des stats +/- bidons et pas représentatives sur le système

[-] yukijoou 5 points 8 months ago

there seems to be qt qml bindings for Zig

qml is a language made to build UIs, and is very easy to use in my experience - you can build your logic that needs to be high-performance (file loading, audio effects, etc.) in zig, and expose it to qml so it's available in the UI.

i've never used zig, but i did do a similar thing using c++ & qml, and it was great to work with, so i think you should be fine going that route

[-] yukijoou 5 points 11 months ago

AppImages can be double clicked and executed. They are not a pain to use.

i can understand that, but flatpaks are easier to upgrade and automatically integrated into your package manager, which (i believe) isn't as straight forward for appimages. also there's one major repo where you can find most apps (flathub) making app-hunting less daunting i feel like.
also, once your app is installed, it's always in your system menu, so that doesn't change much in the long run

Comfortable setup that carried over from Ubuntu LTS.

can't you carry over flatpaks as well? you can probably copy /var/lib/flatpak or wherever they store their stuff from one system to another, or failing that, save all the app IDs you have installed, and re-install them onto your new system, backing up ~/.var to keep all your data!

[-] yukijoou 5 points 1 year ago

what's your point? if flatpak makes it easier for developers to package their software and easier for users to install it, there's nothing wrong with it being famous

[-] yukijoou 5 points 1 year ago

i mean, you likely already could get some out-of-spec chinese chargers... that's Always been a risk when goong for low quality stuff!

[-] yukijoou 4 points 1 year ago

This is why they're losing advertisers left ~~right~~ ~~and center~~.


[-] yukijoou 4 points 1 year ago

they're talking about a VM, not wine. if you have a powerful enough computer to spare some resources, and don't have a graphically-intensive application, a VM is probably a good choice if you like/need linux for most of your workflow!

[-] yukijoou 4 points 1 year ago

honestly, from a business point of view, this makes some sense, but yeah, a bit out-of-touch with the community

if it's actually true that is!

[-] yukijoou 5 points 1 year ago

seems like it's made for X11… forgot to mention i'm using wayland :c

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