I expect they mean the site google.com, because that's been my experience. Whenever I get captcha'd there for using a VPN (which is getting more and more common), I always see the Maps image style captcha. Like 60% of the time it tells me I'm wrong anyway and I just give up.
They do indeed
Sometimes you're just not very hungry.
Yes, ProtonVPN still provides port forwarding. They randomly assign you a single port every time you connect, so you'll have to update the settings in qB occasionally, but it's manageable.
Dr. Dre is a rapper who was popular in the late 20th century.
Correct, Backblaze is their own host and post on their blog often about their tech and processes. They've got a lot of good info on how they designed their server storage racks and stats on drive failures by brand etc
You are correct but many workers in the US (tech and otherwise) are only aware of unions as historical tools of organized crime/corruption, or are libertarian (which gets higher representation in tech circles) and believe the free market will provide for them and/or that unions excessively harm companies. There are likely other reasons but these are what I've heard from people I know.
These views are reinforced by corporate and libertarian (which is of course funded by corporate) propaganda.
Is there one trapped in the fireplace?
New people are born every day and still have the opportunity to see Trek for the first time.
Much fun, thanks for starting it! I doubt I would've added much if you hadn't opened with the delta.
This is the reference I was using for the Constitution class, feel free to add to it or make changes: https://canvas.toast.ooo/#x=104&y=593&scale=5.27&template=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.dribbble.com%2Fusers%2F7549%2Fscreenshots%2F2222860%2Fpixel-nc1701.png&ox=36&oy=551&tw=100&title=&convert=unconverted
If it's not giving you a full URL to share for your own references, you can also just share the coordinates + image itself. For example mine is https://cdn.dribbble.com/users/7549/screenshots/2222860/pixel-nc1701.png at coords (36,551) and width of 100.
Side question, does Canvas have chat? I see it in settings but don't see UI to use it anywhere.
That's just how the font is (it's called Overseer) but that would be a neat change to make, and pretty simple.