[-] xuv 2 points 2 months ago

That's just how the font is (it's called Overseer) but that would be a neat change to make, and pretty simple.

[-] xuv 2 points 5 months ago

I expect they mean the site google.com, because that's been my experience. Whenever I get captcha'd there for using a VPN (which is getting more and more common), I always see the Maps image style captcha. Like 60% of the time it tells me I'm wrong anyway and I just give up.

[-] xuv 2 points 5 months ago

They do indeed

[-] xuv 2 points 5 months ago

Sometimes you're just not very hungry.

[-] xuv 2 points 6 months ago

Yes, ProtonVPN still provides port forwarding. They randomly assign you a single port every time you connect, so you'll have to update the settings in qB occasionally, but it's manageable.

[-] xuv 4 points 9 months ago

Dr. Dre is a rapper who was popular in the late 20th century.

[-] xuv 5 points 1 year ago

Correct, Backblaze is their own host and post on their blog often about their tech and processes. They've got a lot of good info on how they designed their server storage racks and stats on drive failures by brand etc

[-] xuv 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

You are correct but many workers in the US (tech and otherwise) are only aware of unions as historical tools of organized crime/corruption, or are libertarian (which gets higher representation in tech circles) and believe the free market will provide for them and/or that unions excessively harm companies. There are likely other reasons but these are what I've heard from people I know.

These views are reinforced by corporate and libertarian (which is of course funded by corporate) propaganda.

[-] xuv 2 points 1 year ago

Is there one trapped in the fireplace?

[-] xuv 1 points 1 year ago

New people are born every day and still have the opportunity to see Trek for the first time.

[-] xuv 4 points 1 year ago

Much fun, thanks for starting it! I doubt I would've added much if you hadn't opened with the delta.

[-] xuv 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

This is the reference I was using for the Constitution class, feel free to add to it or make changes: https://canvas.toast.ooo/#x=104&y=593&scale=5.27&template=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.dribbble.com%2Fusers%2F7549%2Fscreenshots%2F2222860%2Fpixel-nc1701.png&ox=36&oy=551&tw=100&title=&convert=unconverted

If it's not giving you a full URL to share for your own references, you can also just share the coordinates + image itself. For example mine is https://cdn.dribbble.com/users/7549/screenshots/2222860/pixel-nc1701.png at coords (36,551) and width of 100.

Side question, does Canvas have chat? I see it in settings but don't see UI to use it anywhere.

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